Mindset & Stress Management with Edie Feffer - Part 2

Session Details

Meeting Notes

1.  Recap of Part One


2.  Introduction of Two New Tools for Mindset Management


3.  Live Coaching and Q&A



Recap of Part One  

*   Types of Stress: Stress that can be removed and stress that cannot be easily removed.


*   Mindset Management: Essential for dealing with stress that cannot be removed.


*   Tools Introduced:


   *   Celebration


   *   Expanders


   *   Thought Model




Types of Stress  

*   Removable Stress: Examples include leaving a bad relationship or setting work boundaries.


*   Persistent Stress: Examples include political climate and health issues like osteoporosis.




Managing Persistent Stress  

*   Self-Care Practices: Not the focus of this session.


*   Mindset Management: Key to reducing stress and fostering resilience.




Phases of a Health Journey  


1.  Observation Mode and Curiosity: Becoming a non-judgmental observer of thoughts and feelings.


2.  Implementation and Experimentation: Using observed data to make micro-adjustments.




Tools for Mindset Management  


1.  Celebration: Recognizing and celebrating small wins to reinforce positive behavior.


2.  Expanders: Finding role models who have achieved desired outcomes.


3.  Thought Model: Understanding how thoughts drive feelings, actions, and results.




New Tools Introduced


Emotional Guidance Scale  


*   Purpose: To identify and manage emotions more effectively.


*   Application: Recognizing emotions on a scale from joy to despair and aiming to move up the scale incrementally.



Finding Your Why  


*   Purpose: To create a compelling reason for pursuing health goals.


*   Application: Asking "why" multiple times to uncover deeper motivations.




Closing Remarks  


*   Edie encouraged participants to celebrate their participation and openness to exploring mindset.


*   Breta announced upcoming events:


   *   Soft launch of Pema Bioidentical in August.


   *   First-ever in-person HSN retreat in February in Scottsdale, Arizona.


Additional Notes  

*   Edie will be leading a group coaching program for those interested in diving deeper into mindset work.


*   Breta will provide resources and updates in the Health Span Nation Slack channel.



00:00:25.115 --> 00:00:49.464

Edie Feffer: my goal today, just like it was last month, is to help you learn how to reduce stress by starting to manage your mindset and learning how to master your mindset is the thing that will help you reduce stress and heal your osteoporosis with so much more ease. Mindset is where I begin with every single patient


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Edie Feffer: in part one I shared with you that I want this health span nation to feel like 60 min of nourishing support for you, and that's the goal with every single one of our coaching sessions. Right? Because we're coaching in a group environment. I just wanted to share this slide with you, our trust touchstones, because talking about stress can sometimes be a sensitive topic. And so this is a way for us to


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Edie Feffer: hold ourselves to a set of standards that are explicit so that you can have the best experience possible today, especially if you choose to get coached, live. So we can create a safe space to share by respecting one another's privacy and honoring the fact that anything that's shared here stays within health span nation


00:01:42.955 --> 00:02:07.914

Edie Feffer: for our agenda today. We're gonna do a brief recap like Bretta mentioned of what we covered in part one of this series. I'm gonna teach on 2 new tools that you can start to experiment with to manage your mindset, and then we'll leave time at the end for live coaching and any final questions, and, like Bretta mentioned at the top of the call. I really encourage your participation. I want this


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Edie Feffer: to be an interactive experience. So please feel free to share any thoughts that you're noticing or questions that you have in the chat, and we can do our best to get to those. Either as we move through this discussion, or certainly at the end of our presentation.


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Edie Feffer: So as a recap in part one, we talked about these 5 topics. We talked about the 2 different types of stress. Why we want to start to manage our stress with mindset where, to begin with mindset.


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Edie Feffer: I gave you 3 thoughts to help you reframe your osteoporosis diagnosis or to help you frame your mindset as you heal your osteoporosis.


00:02:49.205 --> 00:03:12.615

Edie Feffer: And then we talked on about 3 tools to help you start to manage your mindset. We talked about celebration, the concept of expanders, and then the thought model. And I'll just briefly touch on each of these 5 topics now, so that we all have a really solid foundation as we dig into mindset and stress management. And so, in terms of how we manage stress.


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Edie Feffer: I like to break it down into 2 2 different categories.


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Edie Feffer: And the 1st type of stress is the stress that we can get rid of right. There are some instances where we can remove the source of stress and examples of this kind of stress could be. If you're in a bad or in a bad relationship, you can make the brave decision to leave.


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Edie Feffer: If you're feeling depleted with work, you can implement new boundaries with it right?


00:03:43.825 --> 00:03:55.625

Edie Feffer: But what do you do if you have a stress that you can't just quickly remove. And this is the kind of stress that we're focused on today. This is the stress that could be


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Edie Feffer: specific to the political climate. Another example is a health issue, right? A health issue that requires patience and time to heal like osteoporosis. And this particular type of stress can feel especially overwhelming and worrisome. And we're going to talk about ways to wrap our arms around it and manage it today.


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Edie Feffer: So within this second category of stress, the stress that you can't just quickly remove. There are 2 ways that we can start to deal with it at this level to help you bolster your resilience to stress in option one, we can implement self-care practices like the ones that I've listed here. These are all super valuable tools. But again, it's not our focus. Today, we're focused on option 2,


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Edie Feffer: which is managing your mindset to reduce your stress learning how to be onto your brain and aware of the thoughts that it's serving you. And this part of the work managing your mindset is actually step one to stress management


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Edie Feffer: and


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Edie Feffer: being onto your brain, learning how to be aware of the thoughts that it's serving. You can create such a sense of peace, of control and trust when you're navigating a stressful situation like reversing your osteoporosis.


00:05:25.395 --> 00:05:43.264

Edie Feffer: So why do we start with mindset? We start with mindset, because I always say we want to get your brain on board with where you're going first.st Thought work is a big big part of health coaching. It's my favorite part of health coaching mindset right and slowing down to do this work


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Edie Feffer: is what will speed up your results.


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Edie Feffer: And I say this because anytime you get a scary diagnosis or difficult news, it's really easy and totally normal to feel overwhelmed about all of the pieces that need to come together to heal.


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Edie Feffer: And so again, when we're thinking about stress, mitigation and mindset


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Edie Feffer: doing the thought work is what will help you take inspired action, body loving action from a place of trust and confidence


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Edie Feffer: versus fear and doubt.


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Edie Feffer: And this. This is why it can be such a game changer in your healing journey. As you work to reverse your osteoporosis, you'll be met with so much more resistance.


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Edie Feffer: If you just jump into action without 1st getting curious about your mindset, about your thoughts and about your feelings right? And so to that end, how do we start to manage your mindset? And in our last session on this, in part one in June.


00:06:46.315 --> 00:07:10.124

Edie Feffer: I talked about the 2 different phases of a health journey, and this is where our work together begins in terms of mindset. There are 2 phases that I'll just quickly walk you through again right now, but know that we dive deeper into this in the session in June, and I encourage you to go back and listen to that phase. One is observation, mode and curiosity


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Edie Feffer: and phase 2 is implementation and experimentation. And there's always overlap between these 2 phases.


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Edie Feffer: And I'll walk you through


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Edie Feffer: ways that we're working phase one and phase 2 to help you heal right? And so in phase one, I'm wanting you to become what I describe as a gentle, non-judgmental observer, and you're just getting curious about your thoughts and your feelings. And when I'm doing this work in my own health journey.


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Edie Feffer: I am picturing myself as like this 3rd party who's just hovering above myself, and I'm wanting you to start to ask yourself 3 questions as you move throughout your day.


00:07:57.555 --> 00:07:59.315

Edie Feffer: What am I thinking.


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Edie Feffer: what am I feeling?


00:08:01.975 --> 00:08:15.155

Edie Feffer: And do I like my choices right? What am I thinking? What am I feeling? And do I like my choices? And this is how you start to be onto your my onto your mind. We're starting to cultivate awareness


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Edie Feffer: as we're in observation mode


00:08:18.075 --> 00:08:39.725

Edie Feffer: in phase 2, we're moving into implementation and experimentation. And so the thoughts and feelings and the data that you observe and gather in phase. One is what will inform the micro adjustments that we take in phase 2 where we're starting to experiment with and implement new tools to help you reduce your stress


00:08:39.725 --> 00:08:52.804

Edie Feffer: and heal your osteoporosis. And so I walked you through some examples of the data that we can gather in phase one. And I've listed those for here for you here on this slide in this section.


00:08:54.925 --> 00:09:22.815

Edie Feffer: and so, in terms of framing your mindset. Last month I shared 3 thoughts that I encourage you to practice as you're working on reversing your osteoporosis, and I broke each one of these thoughts down in detail. And as we continue to talk about stress management, I just want to reinforce a couple of points on each of them right now. And so the 1st thought is that overwhelm is normal.


00:09:23.715 --> 00:09:39.135

Edie Feffer: and it's not a problem. None of your thoughts or your feelings or the stress that you may be experiencing are a problem. We get to wrap our arms around all of it today by starting to incorporate thought work right


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Edie Feffer: and as scary as a diagnosis of osteoporosis can be.


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Edie Feffer: It can be a portal to healing so much more than just your bones.


00:09:50.215 --> 00:10:06.724

Edie Feffer: This particular thought is my favorite reframe to coach on with patience, and it's 1 that I see come through in such beautiful ways as you start to be onto your mind. It's a portal for you to elevate other aspects of your health and well-being.


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Edie Feffer: And then the 3rd thought is just one of trust.


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Edie Feffer: believing that your body wants to heal.


00:10:14.265 --> 00:10:27.435

Edie Feffer: It wants to guide you back to optimal health, and we can bolster your belief and your faith and your trust in yourself and your body's ability to heal by protecting your mindset


00:10:27.615 --> 00:10:49.964

Edie Feffer: and giving yourself new tools to do just that which is what we get to dive into today, and so on. That note in June I introduced 3 tools to help you do this thought work, and the 1st one was celebration. We also talked about the concept of expanders. And we also did an interactive activity with the thought model.


00:10:50.255 --> 00:11:00.965

Edie Feffer: I'll do a brief recap on each of these 3 tools. And then today, we're going to talk about the emotional guidance scale and finding your why.


00:11:03.685 --> 00:11:24.055

Edie Feffer: as a recap. The 1st tool that we talked about last month was celebration. This is such a fun tool. It's a simple tool. It's 1 that you can start to implement today, and it will pay dividends. It is a tool that you can use to upgrade your identity and shift your self-concept faster


00:11:24.135 --> 00:11:41.345

Edie Feffer: and in terms of creating a new identity or shifting your self-concept. You are becoming the person who can heal her. Osteoporosis and consistent celebration is what will help you do that. It's what will help you create this new identity


00:11:41.515 --> 00:11:51.194

Edie Feffer: of becoming the person who reverses her osteoporosis right? And so to do this, all you need to do is be on the hunt for all of your wins.


00:11:51.195 --> 00:11:53.875

Cailin: She just got bad news. She's okay.


00:11:54.995 --> 00:11:56.555

Edie Feffer: Are we? Okay? Brett.


00:11:58.285 --> 00:11:59.634

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: Yep, you're good to go. Keep going.


00:11:59.635 --> 00:12:00.905

Edie Feffer: Okay, okay, cool.


00:12:01.401 --> 00:12:13.644

Edie Feffer: Yeah. So you're on the hunt for all of the ways that you're proud of yourself. Right? We're just looking for all of the evidence that you can show your brain that, hey? I am taking new action. I am


00:12:13.645 --> 00:12:37.045

Edie Feffer: working to heal my osteop osteoporosis. We're gathering up all of the evidence that this is already working. And so some examples of this could be. I'm proud of myself for experimenting with new foods. I'm proud of myself for increasing my protein consumption. I'm proud of myself for buying a weighted vest or for doing heel drops right


00:12:37.275 --> 00:12:39.724

Edie Feffer: in terms of the science behind this.


00:12:39.945 --> 00:13:01.774

Edie Feffer: This is neuroplasticity, right? It's your brain's ability to adapt, and we can shape it and mold it like plastic. And so as you're celebrating your wins. That's what you're doing. You're reinforcing who you're becoming. And you're creating new neural pathways in your brain to help you shift your self concept.


00:13:03.475 --> 00:13:31.255

Edie Feffer: The second strategy that we talked about is one of an expander and an expander is someone who has created or achieved something in their life that you desire to have or create. They're essentially holding up a mirror for you and showing you what's possible. And so for us, we're looking for expanders who will help you believe that you can improve your bone health.


00:13:31.355 --> 00:13:38.094

Edie Feffer: And this is another way that we're getting your brain on board with where you're going first.st Your belief


00:13:38.135 --> 00:13:56.675

Edie Feffer: comes first, st last month I walk, you walked you through the ways that you can find expanders and the different types of expanders that you can be on the hunt for. And so again, you can dive deeper into this particular tool by catching last month's replay.


00:13:57.895 --> 00:14:23.424

Edie Feffer: The 3rd tool that I taught was the thought model. This was my favorite part of our session. Last month. Again, we did an interactive activity with a volunteer who got coached live while I demonstrated one way that you can work this thought model, and I'm not sure if she's on right now. But Sharon participated, and I just wanted to take one moment to celebrate the work that she did.


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Edie Feffer: and Sharon did such a beautiful job of showing up fully for herself.


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Edie Feffer: She embodied


00:14:32.525 --> 00:14:50.314

Edie Feffer: the concept of being a gentle, non-judgmental observer, and just getting curious about the thoughts that her brain was serving her. And I want to mention, too, Sharon, if you're on the call now, or if you're catching the replay, thank you for showing up the way that you did, and for volunteering, because


00:14:50.445 --> 00:15:06.244

Edie Feffer: I got so much feedback from the patients that I coach in Doctor Doug's platinum experience saying that they found value in getting to witness you work through that model. And yeah, I just appreciate you sharing. So thank you.


00:15:07.641 --> 00:15:12.778

Edie Feffer: The the thought model. Just an overview of what that is


00:15:13.455 --> 00:15:18.145

Edie Feffer: is. It's a tool that you can use to get curious about your thoughts


00:15:18.175 --> 00:15:19.020

Edie Feffer: and


00:15:20.015 --> 00:15:29.125

Edie Feffer: we start with a circumstance right? So the circumstance could be. I'm feeling stressed about my osteoporosis, and


00:15:29.204 --> 00:15:34.364

Edie Feffer: this model will help you see that your thoughts


00:15:34.535 --> 00:15:36.434

Edie Feffer: drive your feelings


00:15:36.585 --> 00:15:44.144

Edie Feffer: and your feelings will dictate your actions, and the actions that you take


00:15:44.275 --> 00:15:55.585

Edie Feffer: will create a result right? And what most people don't ish initially realize is that this our line, your result


00:15:55.675 --> 00:15:59.224

Edie Feffer: stems from your thoughts the T line.


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Edie Feffer: not your circumstance.


00:16:03.035 --> 00:16:10.855

Edie Feffer: Your circumstance doesn't have to change in order for you to create an entirely new result.


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Edie Feffer: But your thoughts and feelings are what we can upgrade.


00:16:15.775 --> 00:16:21.135

Edie Feffer: to create a new result and to help you reach that new result with much more ease.


00:16:23.855 --> 00:16:32.425

Edie Feffer: So I will just pause there, Breta, to check in with you, to see if there's any thoughts or questions or feedback before we dive into part 2.


00:16:33.245 --> 00:17:03.235

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: No, we have a quiet chat today, but you guys are more than welcome to ask your questions for Ed in the chat and share any experiences that you have. And then, I think, as we dive into these 2 new tools, if you want to work through those with Ed, you can either use the raise your hand feature on zoom, and that's by clicking reactions in the bottom bar, and then you'll be able to raise your hand there, or you can just let me know in the chat that you're interested in participating in live coaching. But I think we're good, and you can keep keep rocking through it.


00:17:03.235 --> 00:17:13.684

Edie Feffer: Okay, perfect. And just so, you know, Brett. I don't. I don't have my eyes on anything. I can't see the the group as I'm coaching, so I'll lean on you for any raised hands.


00:17:13.825 --> 00:17:15.414

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: Yes, I'll do that. No worries.


00:17:15.415 --> 00:17:38.604

Edie Feffer: Okay, cool. So the new stuff I am excited to give you 2 new tools to experiment with from a mindset perspective. And we're kind of shifting directions here. So in part one, we learned how to get into observation mode. We learned how to be onto your thoughts, and we learned how to put those thoughts into the thought model.


00:17:38.955 --> 00:17:48.454

Edie Feffer: Today, we're going to focus on our emotions and learning how to leverage those to manage your mindset and reduce stress.


00:17:49.765 --> 00:17:54.297

Edie Feffer: So one I mean, we can pause here, or you can reflect


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Edie Feffer: and just get curious about how many emotions


00:17:59.725 --> 00:18:01.375

Edie Feffer: can you name?


00:18:01.995 --> 00:18:06.055

Edie Feffer: How many emotions can you name, or, as you think, through


00:18:06.145 --> 00:18:07.954

Edie Feffer: the way you move


00:18:08.045 --> 00:18:14.714

Edie Feffer: throughout your day? Are you currently aware of the emotions that you're experiencing.


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Edie Feffer: or the feelings that you're


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Edie Feffer: cultivating


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Edie Feffer: throughout your day.


00:18:20.965 --> 00:18:30.244

Edie Feffer: One of my favorite books that I've read is called Rising strong as a spiritual practice by Brene Brown.


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Edie Feffer: and in this book, and a lot of her research she shares how most adults can only name 3 emotions, sad, happy, and angry.


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Edie Feffer: but that to be emotionally fluent. You need to be able to name at least 30 emotions.


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Edie Feffer: This idea of not being an emotionally fluent adult


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Edie Feffer: is something that hindered


00:18:58.505 --> 00:19:12.194

Edie Feffer: my health goals for decades right? And it's something that I can relate to when I look back on healing my hormones, on my food, freedom, journey on my weight loss journey. And it's something that I can


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Edie Feffer: we. It's something that I've


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Edie Feffer: seen create a lot of ease and freedom. And


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Edie Feffer: it's a tool that we've used to help reduce stress when we're coaching on osteoporosis, and


00:19:26.435 --> 00:19:54.875

Edie Feffer: when I think back to my personal health journey, and how this particular topic of not being able to identify emotions more specifically than just, sad, happy, and angry. It makes total sense right, because most of us were never taught how to process our emotions, how to identify them, how to name them, how to feel them, and then what to do with them. Right? And so we'll talk about why emotions matter.


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Edie Feffer: and then I'll give you a tool to start to work with them. This slide illustrates why our emotions matter. We're going to talk about depleting emotions versus restorative emotions. And this is one way that you can start to get curious about them or start to be onto them.


00:20:11.445 --> 00:20:18.555

Edie Feffer: And emotions are another way that our body is communicating with us


00:20:18.725 --> 00:20:32.244

Edie Feffer: in part one. We talked about a few different ways that your body is sending you messages, and it's it's talking to you. It's sending you these messages because it wants to guide you back to optimal health.


00:20:32.405 --> 00:20:38.754

Edie Feffer: And so this is another way. As we're getting curious about our emotions where we're we're


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Edie Feffer: working with the body. I I described in part one


00:20:43.325 --> 00:21:08.464

Edie Feffer: how I picture a healing journey in terms of 2 different entities. We have our mind, our brain, our thoughts, and we have our body. We have our feelings, the symptoms that it's presenting right. And our job is to get both of those 2 things rowing together, working together in harmony. And so when we look at this slide


00:21:09.388 --> 00:21:18.934

Edie Feffer: we can see that we have emotions that can deplete us, and we have emotions that can renew us. Negative emotion is


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Edie Feffer: your indicator of resistance.


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Edie Feffer: while positive emotions are your indicator of allowance of trust, of ease of peace, of faith. And when we look at this graphic here, it illustrates that there are emotions that can help us feel more renewed like happiness and excitement.


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Edie Feffer: love and appreciation.


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Edie Feffer: contentment and serenity


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Edie Feffer: and Dhga is a hormone primarily produced in the adrenal glands which are located above the kidneys and positive emotions and psychological well-being promote a more favorable


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Edie Feffer: hormonal environment.


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Edie Feffer: On the left


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Edie Feffer: we can see emotions that can contribute to us feeling depleted like anger and anxiety.


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Edie Feffer: frustration and resentment and apathy and sadness.


00:22:18.525 --> 00:22:24.085

Edie Feffer: These kind of emotions can lead to elevated levels of cortisol.


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Edie Feffer: That's another hormone produced by the adrenal glands, and it's often referred to as the stress hormone


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Edie Feffer: and prolonged exposure of high levels of cortisol can reduce our bone density.


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Edie Feffer: And so you can start to see how time spent here.


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Edie Feffer: slowing down and learning how to be on to your thoughts and onto your emotions


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Edie Feffer: is critical.


00:22:52.095 --> 00:23:06.944

Edie Feffer: And so I want to. This is another way for you to see all of the emotions, or some of the emotions rather, that can be depleting and those that can be restorative. I want to point out this one right here.


00:23:07.863 --> 00:23:15.544

Edie Feffer: The feeling of being indecisive. And this is one to be especially aware of


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Edie Feffer: when you're trying to make a big decision. Oftentimes the brain thinks it's working on something by thinking about it.


00:23:25.425 --> 00:23:29.914

Edie Feffer: And I'm pointing this out, because, as you move forward in


00:23:30.235 --> 00:23:37.135

Edie Feffer: healing your osteoporosis, you'll be making a lot of big decisions right? Like hormone replacement therapy is


00:23:37.305 --> 00:23:44.634

Edie Feffer: is one that I'm thinking about from a coaching perspective. And so as we're thinking about it.


00:23:46.355 --> 00:23:50.074

Edie Feffer: We're actually trapped in waiting mode


00:23:50.375 --> 00:24:11.755

Edie Feffer: and waiting mode is the worst possible energy that you could be in. It's sneaky because your brain thinks that it's working on a problem because it's spending time thinking about it. It's spending time analyzing it, dissecting it, worrying about what might happen. But really, we're just living in indecisive land.


00:24:11.985 --> 00:24:17.825

Edie Feffer: and that can create all of this anxious energy, and it yields no results.


00:24:18.225 --> 00:24:32.484

Edie Feffer: And you're not actually doing anything when we're just thinking right? We're just trapped in this unproductive spin cycle. And so this is an opportunity for you to reflect now, or to get curious.


00:24:32.545 --> 00:24:41.334

Edie Feffer: Are there aspects of your life? Or is there an aspect of your osteoporosis journey where you're sitting in waiting mode.


00:24:41.355 --> 00:24:45.465

Edie Feffer: where you're spending a lot of your time thinking about an issue


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Edie Feffer: and not actually taking meaningful action


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Edie Feffer: towards pulling yourself out of waiting mode.


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Edie Feffer: And so your transformation will begin the moment you make a decision


00:25:01.435 --> 00:25:22.355

Edie Feffer: to pull yourself out of waiting mode and to take action, whether that's to proceed or not, to proceed to send a message to your healthcare team to get new information. But you can start to see there are lots of little baby steps that we can take to pull you out of a spin cycle or to pull you out of indecisive land.


00:25:24.435 --> 00:25:27.834

Edie Feffer: And so once you have identified


00:25:27.915 --> 00:25:34.025

Edie Feffer: the emotions that you're experiencing throughout the day, I want to talk about what we can start to do with them.


00:25:34.055 --> 00:25:53.535

Edie Feffer: And this is a tool that I'm excited to share with you. It's called the Emotional Guidance scale, and I always wanna give credit to the people who have influenced the way I teach and coach. And so this particular tool comes from Abraham Hicks, and I'll walk you through how to use it now. And so when we look at this.


00:25:53.535 --> 00:26:12.714

Edie Feffer: this is a list of several different emotions, and you can picture this like a ladder like, here's a visual that we'll talk through in a minute here. But you can picture all of these different emotions like they're just a rung on a ladder and


00:26:12.775 --> 00:26:20.514

Edie Feffer: being able to identify an emotion so specifically beyond feeling. Sad, glad.


00:26:20.565 --> 00:26:25.924

Edie Feffer: happy, or angry, is a way for you to create comfort in the body.


00:26:25.935 --> 00:26:30.204

Edie Feffer: and it can help you start to regulate your nervous system.


00:26:30.405 --> 00:26:40.024

Edie Feffer: This scale or this ladder is a way for you to start to cultivate awareness and connection with yourself, and we can see that


00:26:40.105 --> 00:26:43.474

Edie Feffer: these emotions or feelings range from


00:26:43.615 --> 00:26:59.644

Edie Feffer: things like joy, appreciation, empowerment, freedom, and love. At the top of the ladder all the way down to lower vibing emotions like fear, grief, despair, and powerlessness. These are the lowest emotions, right?


00:26:59.935 --> 00:27:03.074

Edie Feffer: And so right now, as you're looking at this


00:27:03.275 --> 00:27:07.334

Edie Feffer: when you're thinking about stress or osteoporosis


00:27:08.945 --> 00:27:18.564

Edie Feffer: or any aspect of your your health. For that matter, you can start to identify where you fall on the emotional guidance scale right now.


00:27:18.675 --> 00:27:39.094

Edie Feffer: and once you see where you are, the goal is that we're just going to start to reach for better feeling thoughts that will lead to better feeling emotions, and I'll give you an example of how you can or how I sometimes see patients work this scale.


00:27:39.365 --> 00:27:40.655

Edie Feffer: And


00:27:40.815 --> 00:27:59.874

Edie Feffer: this, again, is a way to just be onto the body and to start to see that none of the emotions are a problem, and that you're actually making progress as you feel them and process them. And so, as an example, when you get the diagnosis of osteoporosis


00:28:00.566 --> 00:28:08.205

Edie Feffer: perhaps you feel super low, like we could be in a very low, vibing emotion. We could feel the fear


00:28:08.656 --> 00:28:22.693

Edie Feffer: and then eventually, I've seen patients move up the ladder to a point of anger. Right? It could look like. I'm angry that I didn't get my dexa scan sooner. I'm angry that I wasn't


00:28:23.145 --> 00:28:24.755

Edie Feffer: told to


00:28:25.105 --> 00:28:30.074

Edie Feffer: consider hormone replacement therapy. I'm a whoopsies. I'm angry


00:28:30.265 --> 00:28:46.075

Edie Feffer: with myself for past choices that I made that are now impacting myself. Forgiveness is oftentimes a part of a healing journey right, and as we are in a state of anger, and we work with the emotions there.


00:28:46.155 --> 00:29:14.165

Edie Feffer: and you receive new tools and information. You may move up the emotional guidance scale to worry. How am I going to do this? How am I going to pull all of the pieces of the puzzle together? So you're moving up? And you're actually making progress from an emotional standpoint. And then, as you stay the course and have support in whatever capacity that looks like for you, whether it's in our platinum experience, or with your own healthcare team.


00:29:14.695 --> 00:29:43.645

Edie Feffer: you may move to overwhelm. It's like, Okay, now I know all of the supplements that I'm going to be taking. How am I going to master this? And as you become the person who successfully implements your supplement protocol, you're eventually moving up the scale to better feeling emotions like hopefulness, and then optimism. And then what I call expectant energy, where you have the belief you've increased your self-trust, and you're doing it right? And so.


00:29:43.925 --> 00:29:55.545

Edie Feffer: as you continue to work the scale, you'll feel more stable within each emotion. And that's also an indicator that you're making progress


00:29:56.585 --> 00:30:01.314

Edie Feffer: in my personal health journey. This scale has given me relief


00:30:01.375 --> 00:30:02.825

Edie Feffer: because


00:30:02.875 --> 00:30:08.325

Edie Feffer: I saw that it wasn't realistic to move from fear


00:30:08.335 --> 00:30:10.185

Edie Feffer: all the way up to Joy


00:30:10.355 --> 00:30:23.365

Edie Feffer: right? And that wasn't a problem. You're making emotional progress like I mentioned, even if you're at the lower end of the the ladder, and you're just moving up one rung at a time.


00:30:23.595 --> 00:30:29.624

Edie Feffer: And one other thought with this before we move on to the next tool, is just that


00:30:30.505 --> 00:30:44.434

Edie Feffer: it's not a problem. If you're having any of these negative feeling emotions. We want to recognize them, hold space for them and process them. It's not a situation where we're


00:30:44.545 --> 00:31:05.214

Edie Feffer: just trying to think positive right? This isn't about toxic positivity. Rather, I want this to be a tool for you to visualize where you are on the emotional guidance scale so that you can connect your emotions in a deeper, more meaningful way, and learn how to dissect them through some of the thought work that we covered in part one


00:31:05.830 --> 00:31:09.574

Edie Feffer: and then use those thoughts and emotions


00:31:09.715 --> 00:31:14.405

Edie Feffer: to drive new action, and therefore a new result.


00:31:15.071 --> 00:31:17.825

Edie Feffer: So before I move on to the second tool.


00:31:17.935 --> 00:31:24.965

Edie Feffer: Brett. I'll just pause there to see how this is landing. If you have any questions, or if anyone else has any questions


00:31:26.285 --> 00:31:28.474

Edie Feffer: I'd be curious to hear if if


00:31:30.705 --> 00:31:37.774

Edie Feffer: if the emotional side of the health journey has been a part of anyone's healthcare plan right now, if it's something you're getting curious about.


00:31:38.705 --> 00:32:01.724

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: Yeah, feel free to drop any of those thoughts into the chat. So we have had a good little discussion in the chat, and I think the chats may be a little quieter, because a lot of this stuff is is probably newer to people, too, and we don't have as many questions, because we're taking things in for the 1st time. But one thing that's been coming up quite a bit in the chat after you mentioned it was the


00:32:01.725 --> 00:32:18.604

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: the motion of indecision, and a lot of people are resonating with feeling indecisive. So maybe if we could spend a little bit more time on, how can we move out like, what tools do you have to either cope with indecision? Or how can we move out of that? Any thoughts about that.


00:32:19.075 --> 00:32:28.681

Edie Feffer: Yeah, that's such a fun question. And it's 1 that I do love to coach on with patients. And it's it looks. It looks unique to whatever your


00:32:29.635 --> 00:32:40.515

Edie Feffer: your circumstances. And so if there is someone who's feeling indecisive, I'm happy to take a volunteer now, or I'm happy to give you an example of how I've helped a patient move


00:32:40.925 --> 00:32:47.255

Edie Feffer: out of waiting mode and into meaningful action, so you can let me know what you feel like would be most effective.


00:32:47.255 --> 00:33:03.057

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: Yeah, if anybody wants to go ahead and raise their hand, I'm super happy to let somebody jump on for a live coaching moment. If you're feeling indecisive and you want to do that, if not, I'll just have Ed walk through an example. But I'll give you guys a few seconds to to decide hopefully


00:33:03.565 --> 00:33:04.415

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: cool.


00:33:06.455 --> 00:33:09.785

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: I know jumping on in front of the group can be intimidating.


00:33:12.125 --> 00:33:21.805

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: Awesome. Donna raised her hand. Donna, I'm gonna have you unmute, and you're welcome to participate with Edie. I'm gonna go ahead and spotlight you, too, so.


00:33:21.805 --> 00:33:22.738

Donna: Oh, boy!


00:33:23.701 --> 00:33:28.895

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: It's just makes our recording a little bit better when I spotlight people so.


00:33:28.895 --> 00:33:29.565

Donna: Okay.


00:33:32.225 --> 00:33:33.165

Edie Feffer: Hi! Donna!


00:33:33.165 --> 00:33:33.920

Donna: Hello!


00:33:34.925 --> 00:33:36.255

Edie Feffer: Nice to meet you.


00:33:38.625 --> 00:33:41.125

Donna: So I'm I'm brand new in the program.


00:33:41.576 --> 00:33:43.994

Donna: I haven't even had my 1st meeting with you yet.


00:33:45.455 --> 00:33:51.625

Donna: And the 1st I guess the 1st thing decisive was just like deciding to do it. That was a big deal.


00:33:51.635 --> 00:33:52.715

Donna: and


00:33:52.975 --> 00:33:58.244

Donna: I I think now I'm kind of in the overwhelmed state of so much to figure out.


00:33:58.966 --> 00:34:00.413

Donna: But I guess the


00:34:01.635 --> 00:34:09.794

Donna: the indecisive right now. Maybe it's just like the whole exercise part of it. I just met with Dr. Toby yesterday and


00:34:10.225 --> 00:34:14.535

Donna: fitting all that in. And how do I make that into my life? And


00:34:14.945 --> 00:34:20.725

Donna: that's kind of what I was like. Okay, I should walk in the morning. No, I should exercise in the afternoon. No, I you know, like


00:34:20.905 --> 00:34:22.224

Donna: that's kind of where I'm at


00:34:22.285 --> 00:34:24.225

Donna: in my journey at this moment.


00:34:24.895 --> 00:34:26.887

Edie Feffer: Yes. Well, thank you for


00:34:27.715 --> 00:34:53.375

Edie Feffer: for volunteering, and I'm excited to get to work with you. And yeah, I I think my 1st celebration for you is that you've already pulled yourself out of waiting mode by making the decision to invest in yourself and enroll in the platinum experience, and then to participate in health span nations so congrats on the momentum that you've already created. Yet.


00:34:54.325 --> 00:34:56.325

Edie Feffer: You've made the decision, and


00:34:56.535 --> 00:35:05.085

Edie Feffer: with the exercise the thoughts and feelings that you're noticing. There are totally normal. It's like we've received new information.


00:35:05.255 --> 00:35:23.515

Edie Feffer: There's lots of different ways that we could approach this lots of different paths forward. And so the win again is that you're onto the brain. And you've noticed, hey, I I may be in a bit of a spin cycle as I'm evaluating all the different ways that I could start to implement this part of my healing protocol and


00:35:25.155 --> 00:35:34.031

Edie Feffer: and so a way that you could pull yourself out of waiting mode with it. I I like to start with questions.


00:35:34.445 --> 00:35:40.615

Edie Feffer: to help you guide yourself to your next best step, and I'd be curious after you met with Dr. Trudy


00:35:42.035 --> 00:35:48.295

Edie Feffer: or when you met with Dr. Truby, did he give you any guidance on like a best starting point for you?


00:35:49.426 --> 00:35:55.524

Donna: He did. And I now know about the the whole ex. All the exercise videos he has.


00:35:56.205 --> 00:35:56.875

Edie Feffer: Hmm.


00:35:57.437 --> 00:35:59.125

Donna: Into that. And


00:35:59.235 --> 00:36:03.354

Donna: you know, I it's like, Okay, I should start that last night after I talked to Mike.


00:36:03.585 --> 00:36:06.814

Donna: No, not yet. No, no, maybe tomorrow, you know, it's just


00:36:07.375 --> 00:36:08.434

Donna: in partnership.


00:36:09.057 --> 00:36:12.564

Donna: It's hard to jump into that whole new thing. That's not me.


00:36:13.035 --> 00:36:13.875

Edie Feffer: Yes.


00:36:14.025 --> 00:36:15.114

Donna: Figure out where to go.


00:36:15.655 --> 00:36:16.545

Donna: Yeah.


00:36:17.195 --> 00:36:18.321

Edie Feffer: My favorite


00:36:19.025 --> 00:36:20.215

Edie Feffer: favorite


00:36:20.775 --> 00:36:27.775

Edie Feffer: thought to practice, to to pull ourselves out of waiting mode there is to give yourself permission to lower the bar


00:36:28.085 --> 00:36:31.774

Edie Feffer: and to start smaller than your brain is telling you you should.


00:36:32.279 --> 00:36:41.174

Edie Feffer: And so you have already identified like a next step which is to to look at the exercise videos, right?


00:36:41.925 --> 00:36:49.764

Edie Feffer: And the brain loves having a plan. And so I always like to pick one to 3 small steps


00:36:49.965 --> 00:36:57.185

Edie Feffer: to help move you into action and out of a a spin cycle, and with truby training in particular.


00:36:57.305 --> 00:37:05.765

Edie Feffer: One concept that I love, that I learned from our health coach, another health coach on our team. Julia, is the concept of practice workouts.


00:37:05.805 --> 00:37:20.184

Edie Feffer: Right? Where, again, we're just wanting to get your brain on board with where you're going first, st and so in terms of step one, I would recommend doing a practice workout, which is you just sitting down to watch


00:37:20.225 --> 00:37:37.894

Edie Feffer: part of the truby training to familiarize yourself with the workouts before you actually put your workout clothes on to do them. And that's progress. That's action. That's you creating comfort in the brain, because it's gonna know what to expect when it's time to actually try one of the workouts.


00:37:38.085 --> 00:37:53.514

Edie Feffer: And so, since we're lowering the bar and starting smaller than you think you should. Perhaps that looks like, hey? I'm gonna carve out 15 min today to watch the 15 1 min exercises that are in day, one phase one, and that's a win


00:37:53.795 --> 00:37:59.604

Edie Feffer: that's progress. And so I'll pause there just to hear how that's landing for you, or how that feels so far.


00:37:59.755 --> 00:38:01.064

Donna: That that helps


00:38:01.095 --> 00:38:05.305

Donna: because it. Yeah, it is like, okay, I'm just gonna do this like.


00:38:05.775 --> 00:38:08.560

Donna: I'm not an exercise person. So.


00:38:09.125 --> 00:38:15.214

Donna: but I need to be that. So? But yeah, that's helpful. Just to say, Okay, that's step one.


00:38:15.665 --> 00:38:16.225

Edie Feffer: Yes.


00:38:16.225 --> 00:38:17.154

Donna: Took the day.


00:38:17.435 --> 00:38:17.925

Donna: It's just.


00:38:17.925 --> 00:38:18.505

Edie Feffer: Yes.


00:38:18.505 --> 00:38:19.225

Donna: Snout.


00:38:20.525 --> 00:38:37.554

Edie Feffer: And one thing you know, before we continue on, because I could jam on this for a long time. But you just taking action in this way is progress, and it will create so much momentum and comfort and safety in the body. But what you shared do shared just now from a thought work perspective is


00:38:37.755 --> 00:38:40.755

Edie Feffer: so beautiful and powerful to see.


00:38:40.805 --> 00:38:43.854

Edie Feffer: I'm not an exercise person yet.


00:38:44.485 --> 00:38:47.125

Edie Feffer: but I'm going to become one.


00:38:48.575 --> 00:39:11.365

Edie Feffer: And that speaks to this idea of celebration that we talked about earlier of you creating this new identity, you becoming someone new, so that you become the woman who heals her osteoporosis. And when we approach your health journey with this mindset, and we're looking at your actions through this lens, it can become a spiritual practice, a spiritual journey.


00:39:11.435 --> 00:39:16.180

Edie Feffer: and about so much more than just reversing your osteoporosis.


00:39:16.955 --> 00:39:22.735

Edie Feffer: and so yeah, does that feel like a good 1st step, one to get into action.


00:39:23.621 --> 00:39:24.715

Donna: Thank you.


00:39:24.845 --> 00:39:26.125

Edie Feffer: Yes, yeah.


00:39:28.725 --> 00:39:29.585

Edie Feffer: Perfect.


00:39:30.525 --> 00:39:34.324

Edie Feffer: Any any other thoughts or questions, Brett? Or should I keep cruising.


00:39:34.485 --> 00:39:37.262

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: Yeah, let's keep cruising. Thanks so much for sharing, Donna. That's


00:39:37.515 --> 00:39:38.055

Donna: Yeah.


00:39:38.055 --> 00:39:43.415

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: Powerful for everyone. So I'm excited, and I'm excited for you to get started with Obh, too. So


00:39:43.585 --> 00:39:44.585

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: yes.


00:39:46.529 --> 00:39:48.304

Edie Feffer: Okay, so let me


00:39:49.855 --> 00:39:54.124

Edie Feffer: think back to where we were and sorry I need to switch my zoom screen, because


00:39:54.225 --> 00:39:58.903

Edie Feffer: if I see people. I will get distracted. So I'm moving, you guys down here.


00:40:00.275 --> 00:40:09.225

Edie Feffer: and we've talked about the emotional guidance scale. Yes, this is the second tool. So this is a journal prompt and


00:40:09.935 --> 00:40:12.695

Edie Feffer: this is a journal prompt that.


00:40:13.355 --> 00:40:25.384

Edie Feffer: I like to share with patients within the 1st 3 months of our coaching relationship. When you enroll in a new program, whether that's health span nation or the platinum experience


00:40:25.475 --> 00:40:38.595

Edie Feffer: anytime, you start doing something new, right? It's normal to feel super excited and inspired and motivated right, but at a certain point that motivation may die off.


00:40:38.705 --> 00:40:48.858

Edie Feffer: which is a normal part of a health journey. And so this is a journal prompt that we can use to help you strengthen your mindset and


00:40:49.345 --> 00:40:58.254

Edie Feffer: it'll protect your results and your commitment to yourself. It's another way that you can slow down to speed up your results. And


00:40:58.705 --> 00:41:05.504

Edie Feffer: I'm curious to hear now, if any of you struggle with either of these 1st 2 bullet points right?


00:41:06.310 --> 00:41:09.875

Edie Feffer: Do you struggle with doing what you know


00:41:09.955 --> 00:41:25.654

Edie Feffer: should be done, or what you want to be doing? And you're you're just not right. That's not a problem. Again, we're not judging anything that you're doing or not doing. We're gentle, non judgmental observers, but rather than beating yourself up for


00:41:25.685 --> 00:41:41.514

Edie Feffer: not taking inspired action. We're getting curious about it. And this is again, how thought work is, what will help us get to the root of what's been keeping you stuck, and same thing? Or do you ever feel like you have a lack of motivation?


00:41:41.815 --> 00:41:50.635

Edie Feffer: And so, as I go on to describe here, none of that is a problem. It's all totally normal, and we can anticipate


00:41:50.705 --> 00:42:01.614

Edie Feffer: and plan for it. And this journal exercise of finding your why is something that you can lean on to support you in the moments where either of these


00:42:02.375 --> 00:42:04.305

Edie Feffer: situations are presenting.


00:42:05.925 --> 00:42:19.144

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: Yeah, I just wanted to jump on here. Cause there are. This is, I think, becoming a pretty common theme in the chat, and that a lot of people are, whether it's the lack of motivation. But some words that have come up in the chat are procrastination, and then that.


00:42:19.145 --> 00:42:19.905

Edie Feffer: Yes.


00:42:19.905 --> 00:42:47.414

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: Really late, or that they just like have trouble doing that specifically around. You know the example of exercise that we shared in the last exercise, too. So that's kind of what's coming up for people in the chat right now and then. Just some other thoughts to like feeling indecisive with like they have all the info. And then what do you do with it? And when you're doing it alone, you know. How do you move forward, which I think kind of speaks to the 1st point here, and they know all the things. But it's like.


00:42:47.415 --> 00:42:50.235

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: but what should I actually be doing? So yeah.


00:42:50.235 --> 00:42:52.874

Edie Feffer: Yes, okay, great. That's super helpful to hear


00:42:53.810 --> 00:42:56.295

Edie Feffer: and it's actually right in alignment with


00:42:56.535 --> 00:43:24.815

Edie Feffer: where we're going with this particular exercise. So it would be a great starting point for you, and everyone will get access to this journal prompt after the session if we haven't already shared it. And so the idea, did I miss anything? No, okay. So the idea with finding your why, we're gonna craft a compelling why, and I'll walk you through some prompts in the Google, Doc, that you'll receive. That'll help you do just this. And so


00:43:26.365 --> 00:43:28.784

Edie Feffer: step one is to think about your goal.


00:43:28.915 --> 00:43:40.684

Edie Feffer: And I've listed, listed here, healing your osteoporosis, and then you'll ask yourself why you want to accomplish this goal 3 more times.


00:43:40.775 --> 00:43:47.505

Edie Feffer: and as you do that, you're getting to a deeper, more meaningful reason why?


00:43:47.655 --> 00:43:57.514

Edie Feffer: And you're asking yourself within this journal prompt questions like, How will reaching your health goal impact the quality of your life.


00:43:57.695 --> 00:44:09.345

Edie Feffer: How will it change your relationships with yourself and with others? And I'll give you an example of this so that you can see what I mean. It's also included on the journal, prompt that we'll share with you.


00:44:10.075 --> 00:44:23.515

Edie Feffer: But having a powerful why is a must when you're working towards a big health goal like healing your bones. Your why cannot be? Because I want to improve my T score.


00:44:24.415 --> 00:44:38.644

Edie Feffer: It's not strong enough, and it needs to be something that's much more meaningful. That's going to help you feel more excited about the process and excited about who you're becoming.


00:44:38.695 --> 00:44:41.005

Edie Feffer: And so, as an example


00:44:42.155 --> 00:44:44.384

Edie Feffer: with the finding your why.


00:44:44.405 --> 00:44:51.365

Edie Feffer: journal prompt if we were to take the example that I just gave right now around my goal is that I want to improve my t-score.


00:44:51.495 --> 00:45:00.324

Edie Feffer: You'll ask yourself, why? Why do I want to improve my T score? And it could be because I want to see improvements in my bone health.


00:45:00.845 --> 00:45:04.655

Edie Feffer: Ask yourself again. Why do I want to see improvements in my bone? Health.


00:45:04.715 --> 00:45:11.274

Edie Feffer: and an answer that I often hear is that I want to feel confident and safe, to be more active.


00:45:11.425 --> 00:45:26.675

Edie Feffer: So then we'll ask yourself why again a 3rd time, pardon me, why do I want to feel confident and safe, to be more active. And this is where the juicy thoughts come out right. This is where you're going to create a compelling why, that will help you do the things that you want to do.


00:45:26.825 --> 00:45:30.164

Edie Feffer: And so in this particular example.


00:45:30.295 --> 00:45:59.055

Edie Feffer: I want to be. When I'm asked, or when I asked, why do you want to feel more confident. Why do you want it to be safe? Feel safe to be more active? The response was, because I want to do the activities I love like travel hike, and independently be able to drive myself to the grocery store. I want to play with my grandchildren, go on walks with friends, have a strong sense of connection to my community. I want to be out and about and at peace that I'm living


00:45:59.065 --> 00:46:06.765

Edie Feffer: in a strong body and my bone health impacts how I feel mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.


00:46:07.225 --> 00:46:14.475

Edie Feffer: And so you can see in this 3rd y that this patient isn't creating new habits


00:46:14.635 --> 00:46:35.915

Edie Feffer: to improve her T score right like that's not going to be a thing that's strong enough to pull you off the couch and help you lace up your shoes to get a workout in there has to be a deeper desire that's driving a change, and that will a strong. Why will change the entire tone of your journey. And so.


00:46:36.855 --> 00:46:39.764

Edie Feffer: if you do this thoughtfully.


00:46:39.975 --> 00:46:44.604

Edie Feffer: if you spend time with this journal exercise, if you slow down


00:46:45.145 --> 00:47:09.034

Edie Feffer: to speed up your results, your why is what you'll think about on the days where you're not feeling motivated, or on the days where you hit an emotional low, which is a normal part of a process like in our platinum experience. I love that we have an entire year to work together. We're intentional with that timeframe for a variety of reasons, but from a mindset perspective, your why will evolve


00:47:09.035 --> 00:47:20.654

Edie Feffer: as you evolve. And so this is something that I encourage patients to come back to at least once a quarter because you're becoming someone new, you're creating a new identity. And so your why will give you purpose.


00:47:21.165 --> 00:47:31.425

Edie Feffer: and it will help you do the things you want to do without letting perfectionism take control like Bretta mentioned and without


00:47:31.495 --> 00:47:40.344

Edie Feffer: succumbing to the urge to procrastinate without letting yourself get stuck in a spin cycle or stuck in indecisive land, right? And


00:47:41.075 --> 00:47:44.435

Edie Feffer: this whole second topic is one that we could coach on


00:47:44.807 --> 00:48:02.205

Edie Feffer: live as well. If anyone does feel like perfectionism. Perfectionism is the thing that's keeping you stuck or procrastination. And then the 3rd thing that your while why we'll do is it's going to help you rewire your brain to think of your new habits, not as tasks.


00:48:02.695 --> 00:48:07.905

Edie Feffer: but instead as actions that you're taking to cultivate connection with yourself.


00:48:08.635 --> 00:48:12.675

Edie Feffer: And so with that one. It's really easy to


00:48:13.005 --> 00:48:27.135

Edie Feffer: think of all of the things that you could be doing. I need to be doing truby training. I need to increase my protein. I need to take my supplements. I need to get a dex right like there's no shortage of things that you could do to improve your bone health. But


00:48:27.295 --> 00:48:36.874

Edie Feffer: when we're we're thinking about them as what I call high vibe habits. These are habits that we're doing to show our body love.


00:48:37.165 --> 00:48:45.734

Edie Feffer: And we're we're placing the goal of healing the osteoporosis on on the side. It's like we're putting our that goal on a shelf.


00:48:45.865 --> 00:49:02.064

Edie Feffer: And we're just focused on getting into observation mode with how can I show up powerfully for myself, and with love and trust that my new high 5 habits are going to help me heal. That's where we're directing our energy and our focus.


00:49:03.638 --> 00:49:14.565

Edie Feffer: And so I'll pause there with finding your why, before we move into how we're pulling it all together. You can let me know how this is landing for you, or if you have questions, thoughts.


00:49:16.245 --> 00:49:30.675

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: Feel free to drop any questions or thoughts in the chat. For the most part, I yeah, I think people are taking this part in, and we can continue on and then circle back at the end. If we have any extra questions about it.


00:49:31.034 --> 00:49:32.354

Edie Feffer: Okay, great


00:49:35.244 --> 00:49:47.244

Edie Feffer: And then, in terms of pulling this all together between our 1st session on June 19th and the one that we've had today. We've covered the 2 phases of a health journey


00:49:47.464 --> 00:50:06.614

Edie Feffer: phase one where we're in observation mode, and we're approaching everything through a lens of curiosity. And then phase 2, where we're in implementation and experimentation mode. We talked about 3 ways to frame your mindset, to protect your results and to help you heal.


00:50:06.644 --> 00:50:13.064

Edie Feffer: We've talked about 5 different tools that you can use to manage your mindset celebration


00:50:13.374 --> 00:50:22.204

Edie Feffer: expanders the thought model the emotional guidance scale and then finding your why and


00:50:22.634 --> 00:50:28.584

Edie Feffer: just like I mentioned when we were doing a little bit of live coaching, I encourage you to lower the bar


00:50:28.664 --> 00:50:55.794

Edie Feffer: and to start smaller than you think you should, when you begin to fold mindset into your health your health plan right? And so you could pick 2 tools that you resonate with the most to experiment with this week. Maybe you decide, hey? I'm going to commit to a daily practice of celebration where I'm going to write down 3 things that I'm proud of myself, for in my journal.


00:50:55.844 --> 00:51:08.014

Edie Feffer: Or maybe you say, Hey, I'm gonna be on the hunt for 3 to 5 expanders who are going to help me start to believe that I can do the meal prep, that I can


00:51:08.144 --> 00:51:10.454

Edie Feffer: work out consistently.


00:51:11.974 --> 00:51:18.404

Edie Feffer: it may be you wanting to notice what thought model you're operating in throughout your day


00:51:18.504 --> 00:51:46.854

Edie Feffer: and choosing to do that journal exercise. It. Could be you printing out the Hoffman feeling list that we shared in session, one to start, to become more fluent with your emotions, to increase your emotional library, and then it also could be you doing the journal exercise for finding your why, and sharing that with your coach, or sharing it with someone who's supporting you on your healthcare journey.


00:51:47.324 --> 00:51:51.284

Edie Feffer: These are all ways that you could start to


00:51:51.704 --> 00:51:59.774

Edie Feffer: strengthen your mindset, and if you have questions on any of it, or if you'd like guidance on where to begin. If you want to get coached on anything. I'm happy to


00:52:00.214 --> 00:52:01.544

Edie Feffer: to do that. Now


00:52:05.644 --> 00:52:08.534

Edie Feffer: let me move the screen up so I'm not looking down.


00:52:08.555 --> 00:52:26.874

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: Awesome. No, you're good. I'm gonna go ahead and UN spotlight. And then I think in our last 5 min, if anybody wants to go ahead and turn on their camera. If you want to, you know, share, ask any questions. Now is the perfect time to do that. And so I'll just like.


00:52:27.045 --> 00:52:31.615

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: let that set for a second and feel free to jump on and ask your questions.


00:52:39.825 --> 00:52:43.268

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: Edie. I've never had this quite of a group at Hsn.


00:52:43.895 --> 00:52:58.644

Edie Feffer: Oh, that's okay. I know it's a different topic, one from from those that we've covered in the past. And emotions can be private and personal, which we respect always and


00:52:59.945 --> 00:53:04.444

Edie Feffer: and finding your why can be personal as well. And


00:53:06.185 --> 00:53:16.804

Edie Feffer: yeah, I'm happy to speak to all of these tools that I'm teaching and coaching on are ones that I've used in my my own health journey like I was my own best client first, st


00:53:16.875 --> 00:53:38.564

Edie Feffer: and I'm happy to share examples of, like what I did to cultivate or create a compelling. Why, and I'm also remembering, too, that I wanna let you know that if if mindset is a topic that you're wanting to dive deeper into, and you're in our platinum experience, we have a group coaching program


00:53:38.685 --> 00:53:42.002

Edie Feffer: that I'm leading right now, and


00:53:42.675 --> 00:54:02.704

Edie Feffer: It rocks like I just love it. We had our 1st session last week, and this is a group that is sharing in such a meaningful way. It's an opportunity for you to connect with and learn from other patients who are working on healing their osteoporosis, and it's not too late to join. We have our second call tomorrow.


00:54:03.905 --> 00:54:32.279

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: Awesome. And I think we're getting a lot of great feedback in the chat. And if you guys wanna join Ed's coaching I think the session. Yeah, like, she said. The second session is tomorrow. Just go ahead and reach out to Samantha, or whoever manages your patient care, and they can get you squared away with joining Ed's program. If you're a full service patient. And then, you know, just like we were talking about a lot of people have found this very helpful, and they're taking it in and conceptualizing it, and kind of trying to figure out where to go next.


00:54:32.939 --> 00:54:33.335

Edie Feffer: Men.


00:54:33.335 --> 00:54:37.684

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: Yeah. And I think just really enjoying it, and don't necessarily have a lot of


00:54:39.155 --> 00:54:54.385

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: things that are coming up to like discuss actively right now, but definitely. It's landing with them, and they're excited for the tools. So we'll get all of that shared in health span nation slack, and then I will also work on creating a space in


00:54:54.767 --> 00:55:13.264

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: on Hsn, like on the website as well for us to house some of these things. So you guys can easily find them and come back to them. Edie, did you have any other things to share before you go? Thank you so much for your time. I think everybody is in the chat saying how valuable that this this presentation was. So thank you so much.


00:55:13.675 --> 00:55:38.674

Edie Feffer: Oh, good! I'm so happy to hear it. Yeah, I don't have anything else to share other than that. I think mindset is oftentimes the most overlooked or neglected part of a health journey, and so, in terms of celebration, I encourage you to find a way to celebrate yourself for showing up today and being open to explore this particular topic, do something kind for yourself. And


00:55:39.195 --> 00:55:43.105

Edie Feffer: yeah. And yeah, thanks for the opportunity to speak here.


00:55:43.105 --> 00:55:46.005

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: Awesome, Kathy, go ahead and unmute, and Kathy has a question.


00:55:49.015 --> 00:55:49.555

kathy : Hello!


00:55:50.095 --> 00:55:51.185

Edie Feffer: Hi kathy.


00:55:51.185 --> 00:55:52.577

kathy : Hi! Me again


00:55:53.505 --> 00:55:54.195

Edie Feffer: Hello!


00:55:54.525 --> 00:55:55.531

kathy : I haven't


00:55:56.185 --> 00:56:08.105

kathy : a procrastination, or whatever you wanna call it. But as as my team knows I sometimes have troubles with my supplements that some of them I have a reaction real sensitive.


00:56:08.235 --> 00:56:09.025

kathy : but


00:56:09.205 --> 00:56:11.635

kathy : I'm still struggling with.


00:56:12.325 --> 00:56:23.614

kathy : I need to take these, and you know, and I'm still I don't like to put them together. So then I'm spreading them out a half an hour, an hour, and then it's taken me all day to take them, so I just have that fear that


00:56:24.285 --> 00:56:28.738

kathy : I don't know what it is. I mean, Brad. Enough. Julia knows Carrie.


00:56:29.685 --> 00:56:33.785

kathy : any other suggestions, I mean, they've all helped me, but and given me, you know


00:56:34.765 --> 00:56:38.394

kathy : they I wouldn't be prescribed these if they weren't, you know.


00:56:38.555 --> 00:56:40.595

kathy : going to be helpful, and and


00:56:40.955 --> 00:56:42.914

kathy : I don't know. I just still have that


00:56:44.925 --> 00:56:47.304

kathy : procrastination, I guess, of taking.


00:56:47.305 --> 00:56:47.905

Edie Feffer: Yeah.


00:56:48.055 --> 00:56:53.855

Edie Feffer: yeah. With the fear. Can you tell me more about that?


00:56:55.905 --> 00:57:03.034

kathy : Well, I guess some of them I do have a little bit of you know, maybe hyper or whatever. So I guess it's like.


00:57:03.505 --> 00:57:07.775

kathy : So I went off him for a week. Now I'm supposed to start again gradually, and


00:57:07.815 --> 00:57:13.395

kathy : I guess is that here that's gonna have that same reaction like my heart pounds, or whatever.


00:57:13.605 --> 00:57:14.545

kathy : So?


00:57:16.495 --> 00:57:16.995

kathy : yeah.


00:57:16.995 --> 00:57:17.794

Edie Feffer: Yeah, I don't know.


00:57:17.935 --> 00:57:18.345

kathy : Just a.


00:57:18.345 --> 00:57:19.155

Edie Feffer: Yeah, spirit.


00:57:19.455 --> 00:57:22.955

Edie Feffer: No, you're not weird at all like these are all


00:57:23.095 --> 00:57:26.495

Edie Feffer: normal thoughts to have and their concerns that


00:57:26.655 --> 00:57:30.619

Edie Feffer: I hear often. So you're not alone in


00:57:31.435 --> 00:57:33.784

Edie Feffer: in this experience. And


00:57:36.405 --> 00:58:00.274

Edie Feffer: I have a couple of thoughts on this. When you see me looking to the side, you have my full attention. I'm just keeping my brain on track with topics that we could coach on specific to this. And so it sounds like, am I understanding correctly like you've taken the supplements you noticed symptoms that were presenting, and then you reached out to your coach or your dietician to inform them of the change right.


00:58:00.425 --> 00:58:01.614

kathy : Right, right.


00:58:02.245 --> 00:58:06.165

Edie Feffer: And then they did. They make micro adjustments to your supplement protocol.


00:58:06.405 --> 00:58:08.205

kathy : Some of them. Yes, yes.


00:58:08.205 --> 00:58:14.305

Edie Feffer: Okay? And so now you're into implementation and experimentation with a new plan. Is that right?


00:58:14.505 --> 00:58:17.244

Edie Feffer: Right? Shift? Yes, okay.


00:58:17.385 --> 00:58:30.105

Edie Feffer: And so the win that we can see here is that you're doing such a fabulous job of working the 2 phases of a health journey phase one where you're in observation mode. And you're curious.


00:58:30.405 --> 00:58:45.164

Edie Feffer: And the patients that I see who get the best results are the ones who are doing what you're doing, communicating with your healthcare team to let them know how you're feeling, so that we can move into phase 2


00:58:45.335 --> 00:59:08.595

Edie Feffer: implementation and experimentation to make micro adjustments, to help you feel better as we dial in a protocol that's gonna work West, best for you and your unique body. And so, as you're sensing the fear one way that we can start to comfort the brain is to actually show yourself the facts of how you are working with the body


00:59:08.765 --> 00:59:17.694

Edie Feffer: and listening to the body and trusting the body and communicating with the team. It's like we're gathering up all of your wins


00:59:17.885 --> 00:59:23.444

Edie Feffer: to help you feel like I've got this. I've got you body. I've got a team I can trust.


00:59:23.485 --> 00:59:36.395

Edie Feffer: I'm trusting my body. I'm sharing what's coming up, and so I can have the faith that that together me and my body and my healthcare team are gonna fine. Tune this in a way that will work.


00:59:37.245 --> 00:59:41.555

Edie Feffer: and I'll pause there just to see how this part of it land, so far.


00:59:42.425 --> 00:59:46.085

kathy : Yes, that makes sense. And I, yeah, and you know, and I'm


00:59:46.495 --> 00:59:52.725

kathy : I trust them, obviously. And I'm comfortable with them. And then I step away, and I'm going I don't know.


00:59:52.725 --> 00:59:53.595

Edie Feffer: Yeah.


00:59:54.095 --> 00:59:54.495

kathy : So.


00:59:54.495 --> 01:00:10.725

Edie Feffer: And that that's totally normal, because the brain is doing its job to protect you, to keep you safe because it doesn't want to have the reactions or the sensitivities that you experienced with the 1st part of your supplement protocol. And so


01:00:12.489 --> 01:00:23.124

Edie Feffer: it's this self coaching that we can start to do to really show your facts self the facts of the ways that you are going low and slow and communicating.


01:00:24.276 --> 01:00:29.114

Edie Feffer: While you're being open to experimentation, and


01:00:29.235 --> 01:00:37.364

Edie Feffer: you are already starting to be onto the brain and noticing that the ways, noticing the ways it's wanting to start to procrastinate.


01:00:39.455 --> 01:00:41.094

Edie Feffer: Then that's a win.


01:00:41.975 --> 01:00:42.315

kathy : Okay.


01:00:42.315 --> 01:00:44.584

Edie Feffer: And so when you catch yourself


01:00:44.695 --> 01:00:52.124

Edie Feffer: procrastinating, that's like your queue or your trigger to pull yourself out of waiting mode.


01:00:52.835 --> 01:00:58.075

Edie Feffer: And you could do that, Kathy, in a few different ways. Right? You could


01:00:58.305 --> 01:01:00.195

Edie Feffer: reread your why.


01:01:00.985 --> 01:01:05.505

Edie Feffer: you could reread your why to connect with why am I taking these supplements?


01:01:05.635 --> 01:01:14.655

Edie Feffer: Is it to be with my grandkids? Is it to move with more confidence? Is it because I have this big travel team travel? Dream like


01:01:14.965 --> 01:01:16.854

Edie Feffer: that? That's where we're going.


01:01:18.235 --> 01:01:26.844

Edie Feffer: you could also just start taking some action physically moving the body. I'm just gonna start walking to my supplement pack


01:01:27.955 --> 01:01:38.564

Edie Feffer: like we're we're just pulling the brain out of a spin cycle. We're cutting that synapse and moving towards who you're becoming physically changing the environment


01:01:39.077 --> 01:01:42.104

Edie Feffer: and getting into observation mode with that.


01:01:42.925 --> 01:01:43.765

kathy : Okay.


01:01:43.965 --> 01:01:45.345

kathy : thank you. That helps.


01:01:45.905 --> 01:01:47.315

Edie Feffer: Okay. Yeah.


01:01:47.315 --> 01:01:47.885

kathy : I hope.


01:01:48.405 --> 01:01:54.745

Edie Feffer: I'd be curious. If you're in the group coaching program, I would be curious to hear how playing with those 2 things works for you.


01:01:55.105 --> 01:01:55.690

Edie Feffer: Okay?


01:01:56.325 --> 01:02:00.995

Edie Feffer: because if they don't work, that's not a problem. There's other tools that I could give you.


01:02:01.665 --> 01:02:05.385

Edie Feffer: And if it does work, we want to celebrate it.


01:02:06.045 --> 01:02:08.065

kathy : Okay, I will let you know.


01:02:08.535 --> 01:02:09.345

kathy : Great.


01:02:09.535 --> 01:02:10.508

kathy : Thank you.


01:02:10.995 --> 01:02:11.825

Edie Feffer: Yes.


01:02:12.185 --> 01:02:34.995

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: Awesome, great. And that's definitely by the chat, something that resonates with a lot of people and not being able to take all of their supplements and just being scared to have flow work done. So I think there's a ton of opportunity to continue to connect on this in Hsn. In the mindset channel. So take all of those thoughts over there, and we're a little bit over time today. So we're gonna go ahead and wrap up. But I do have a couple of exciting announcements.


01:02:35.591 --> 01:02:52.798

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: You'll be getting all the info on this. I just wanna let you guys know what's coming. So if you were interested in the hormone therapy. Only company that Dr. Doug is starting. If you're not already on the wait list for Pemma Bioidentical, go ahead and do that because we're gonna be doing a soft launch


01:02:53.185 --> 01:03:18.175

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: on starting in August. So the 1st of August will be taking some people in. And, you know, getting started on those processes so we can fine tune some things and making sure that it's a wonderful patient experience for you. And then we are also getting ready to launch our first, st ever in person. Hsn retreat, which is, gonna be in February, in Scottsdale, Arizona. So it's gonna be super fun. Dr. Doug is


01:03:18.175 --> 01:03:39.634

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: is gonna be there live to share all of his wisdom and knowledge with you. I know Edie's gonna be there. I'm gonna be there. And then some other people from our oh, team will also be there to share some info to give some great presentation host workshops, and then we also have outside experts coming in as well. So you'll be getting a little bit of a there's a


01:03:39.635 --> 01:03:40.785

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: and ohhhhhh


01:03:40.955 --> 01:03:50.474

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: client discount, and then an Hsn discount. So keep an eye out for emails on all of that, and we hope to see you guys there live. But you'll get all the full details.


01:03:50.755 --> 01:04:11.815

Breta, MS, RDN OHH TEAM: pricing hotels. We're just waiting on our venue to send us the link for hotel rooms, and then we'll be good to go to launch that. So I really hope to see you all there, and that's all I have for today. I know I'm behind on some slack messages, and I I intend to get to those I've just. We've been creating some stuff for you guys, and that's taken a little bit more of my attention. But thank you so much for being here, and I'll see you guys in slack.