Session Details



1.  Importance of mindset in healing osteoporosis.


2.  Setting the tone for a simplified journey.


3.  Framing mindset with three thoughts.


4.  Sharing five tools for managing the mind.


5.  Q&A session.  


Categories of Stress  


1.  **Removable Stress**: Stress that can be eliminated by making decisions (e.g., leaving a bad relationship, setting work boundaries).  


2.  **Persistent Stress**: Stress that requires patience and cannot be quickly eliminated (e.g., political climate, health issues like osteoporosis).



Stress Management Approaches  


1.  **Self-Care Practices**: Breath work, exercise, meditation, journaling, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques).  


2.  **Mind Management**: Being aware of the thoughts the brain serves and managing them to reduce stress.



Two Phases of a Health Journey

1.  **Observation Mode and Curiosity**: Becoming a non-judgmental observer of thoughts and feelings.  


2.  **Implementation and Experimentation**: Developing and experimenting with a plan based on observations.




Framing Mindset with Three Thoughts  

1.  **Overwhelm**: It's normal and manageable.


2.  **Osteoporosis as a Healing Portal**: It can lead to healing more than just bones.


3.  **The Body Wants to Heal**: Trusting the body's innate ability to guide back to health.




Tools for Managing Mindset


1.  **Celebration**: Recognizing and celebrating small wins to reinforce positive neural pathways.


2.  **Expanders**: Finding role models who have achieved similar goals to bolster belief in one's own potential.


3.  **Thought Model (CTFAR)**: A framework to analyze and shift thoughts, feelings, and actions to achieve desired results.




Interactive Session: Thought Model (CTFAR)

Closing Remarks

*   **Future Sessions**: A part 2 session will be scheduled to cover additional tools.


*   **Resources**: Participants encouraged to share wins and seek support within the community.



00:00:00.117 --> 00:00:24.067

Edie Feffer: Okay, great. Thanks, Brett. My name is Edie, and I have been a health coach for 9 years in my private practice, and I joined Dr. Doug's team about 4 months ago, and I'm so happy to be here and to get to talk with you today. Health coaching is my life's work, and one aspect of it that I'm especially passionate about is


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Edie Feffer: mindset and our emotional wellbeing.


00:00:28.107 --> 00:00:35.597

Edie Feffer: And this is going to be the topic that we coach on together today, specific to stress management.


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Edie Feffer: My goal with our time together today is to help you reduce stress by learning how to manage your mindset and mindset is where I begin with every single patient.


00:00:53.167 --> 00:01:14.707

Edie Feffer: My intention is that I want this health Span nation meeting to feel like 60 min of nourishing support for you. My goal is to help you leave feeling more calm and grounded, and more confident about what your path to healing osteoporosis is, and we can find clarity


00:01:14.747 --> 00:01:19.697

Edie Feffer: on what your path forward looks like with much more ease


00:01:19.807 --> 00:01:23.847

Edie Feffer: by reducing our stress and starting to manage our mindset.


00:01:26.577 --> 00:01:29.177

Edie Feffer: My computer froze a minute here.


00:01:29.227 --> 00:01:45.767

Edie Feffer: So I'll set the agenda just to let you know where we're going. And 1st we're gonna start to talk about why, mindset is step one to healing your osteoporosis, and then we'll set the tone for the head space that we're in.


00:01:45.877 --> 00:02:01.997

Edie Feffer: As we work towards simplifying your journey. We're gonna frame our mindset with 3 thoughts, and then 3, rd we'll get into the juicy stuff. I'll share 5 tools that you can start to experiment with, to manage your mind.


00:02:02.137 --> 00:02:17.936

Edie Feffer: And then finally, we'll close with questions, and, like Breda said, feel free to share what's coming up for you in the chat as we move through this discussion because there will be opportunities for you to get coached, and certainly to ask questions.


00:02:19.287 --> 00:02:27.077

Edie Feffer: So how do we manage stress? I like to break it down into 2 different categories.


00:02:30.587 --> 00:02:58.477

Edie Feffer: And the 1st category of stress is the stress that we can remove right. There are some instances where we can get rid of the source of our stress. A couple of examples of that could be. If you're in a bad relationship, you can make a choice to leave right. If you're feeling depleted with work, perhaps we can experiment with implementing better boundaries. These are sources of stress that we can eliminate.


00:02:59.147 --> 00:03:03.956

Edie Feffer: But what if you can't just quickly get rid of the stress. What do you do then?


00:03:04.107 --> 00:03:11.726

Edie Feffer: This is the category of stress that we're going to be focused on today. The stress where it isn't just a quick fix.


00:03:11.747 --> 00:03:25.287

Edie Feffer: The stress that requires patience and examples of these kinds of stressors could be the political climate. It could be a health issue that takes time to heal like osteoporosis, right


00:03:26.217 --> 00:03:33.997

Edie Feffer: that can feel overwhelming. It can feel worrisome, it can feel scary, and none of that has to be a problem.


00:03:34.917 --> 00:03:57.067

Edie Feffer: And so within this second category of stress, the stress that you can't just quickly eliminate. There are 2 ways that we can start to deal with it at this level, to bolster your resilience to this kind of stress right option. One is that we can utilize self care practices with tools like the ones I've listed here. Breath work.


00:03:57.067 --> 00:04:12.627

Edie Feffer: exercise, meditation, journaling, eft. There are lots of tools that can effectively help you manage stress. And these are all valuable practices that I use in my personal life.


00:04:12.627 --> 00:04:34.937

Edie Feffer: But that's not our focus. Today. We're focused on option 2. Learning how to manage your mind, learning how to be on to your brain and aware of the thoughts that it's serving you. And even though I have this listed as option 2, this is actually step one to reducing your stress.


00:04:34.947 --> 00:04:47.391

Edie Feffer: This part of the work, this part of stress management is one of my favorite things to coach on, because, as you start to be onto your brain onto the thoughts that it's serving you.


00:04:48.037 --> 00:04:56.117

Edie Feffer: it can quickly create such an incredible amount of peace, of freedom, of control


00:04:56.307 --> 00:05:02.017

Edie Feffer: and confidence in what can feel like an overwhelming or stressful situation? Right?


00:05:02.167 --> 00:05:03.607

Edie Feffer: And so.


00:05:04.020 --> 00:05:12.233

Edie Feffer: before we dive in how it, before we dive into how you can start to do this. I always like to share a caveat with my patience, and.


00:05:12.527 --> 00:05:13.676

becky: And to wait.


00:05:14.227 --> 00:05:14.777

Edie Feffer: What's that?


00:05:14.777 --> 00:05:17.306

becky: They have. I don't even know we we.


00:05:19.266 --> 00:05:20.376

Edie Feffer: Are we good Britta.


00:05:21.137 --> 00:05:22.236

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: Yeah. Go ahead. Keep going.


00:05:22.237 --> 00:05:40.666

Edie Feffer: Okay. Okay, okay, cool. I wasn't sure if someone was interrupting with the question, but part of my job as your health coach is to help you develop a deep, deep bench of health and wellness, tools that work best for you and your unique body and your brain and mindset, right and


00:05:40.667 --> 00:05:59.507

Edie Feffer: just like with food. This part of a health journey. The approach that we take to mindset is bio individual right, meaning what works for one patient or person may not be what works best for you. And so I view this part of the work, this part of a healing journey.


00:05:59.617 --> 00:06:09.886

Edie Feffer: as this really fun process where we get to experiment with different tools, techniques and approaches to unlock the combination of


00:06:09.887 --> 00:06:33.406

Edie Feffer: mindset techniques, self care practices that work best for you, and so I always encourage my patients to share what's working, what's not working what they like, what they don't like, and that's what I'd like you to do here in the chat as we're moving through this topic. Right? It's this beautiful journey, like I mentioned of you


00:06:33.667 --> 00:06:42.966

Edie Feffer: reconnecting to your body, increasing your self Trust, and starting to feel more calm and grounded with the tools that you discover work best for you.


00:06:44.757 --> 00:06:45.997

Edie Feffer: And


00:06:46.187 --> 00:06:48.657

Edie Feffer: so why we start with mindset


00:06:48.937 --> 00:06:57.006

Edie Feffer: over the course of 9 years of coaching, I have found that mindset is often the missing link.


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Edie Feffer: and


00:06:58.407 --> 00:07:10.647

Edie Feffer: when you're working towards healing, if you're on a health journey. This was something that was true for me, and my personal health challenges right specific to hormones and weight loss.


00:07:11.607 --> 00:07:20.756

Edie Feffer: Mindset has to be a part of a transformation. When you're given a scary diagnosis, it's really easy to want to jump into go mode.


00:07:20.757 --> 00:07:41.807

Edie Feffer: And we start thinking about all of the things that we should be doing. It's easy to get overwhelmed when we consider all of the pieces of the puzzle that have to come together to heal right. And it's at that point where we're starting to think about nutrition, movement supplements, sleep, stress, the blood work. All of these things


00:07:42.337 --> 00:07:46.397

Edie Feffer: can start to take priority, and it's easy for mindset to


00:07:46.437 --> 00:08:07.617

Edie Feffer: fall to the back burner or to be overlooked or neglected. And, like I mentioned, it's such a critical part to creating a transformation and to healing with more ease. I always say that slowing down to do this part of the work, to address your mindset, to start to be onto your brain, and the thoughts that it's serving you


00:08:07.777 --> 00:08:10.556

Edie Feffer: is how we speed up your results.


00:08:12.617 --> 00:08:13.567

Edie Feffer: So


00:08:13.817 --> 00:08:17.166

Edie Feffer: thought work is a big big part of


00:08:17.297 --> 00:08:37.027

Edie Feffer: of health coaching and of a healing journey. I always say we wanna get your brain on board with where we're going first, st and when you do that, when you slow down to speed up your results in this way you'll be met met with much less resistance. You'll be met with more resistance if you just jump into action.


00:08:37.427 --> 00:08:38.377

Edie Feffer: And


00:08:38.497 --> 00:08:56.757

Edie Feffer: you aren't taking note of how you're thinking and what you're feeling. And I'm gonna start to talk about how we can be onto the mind in this way. Now, before we do that, I'd love for you to share in the chat. Just what thoughts are you noticing right now about osteoporosis.


00:08:57.177 --> 00:08:59.906

Edie Feffer: Is there anything that's stressing you out?


00:09:00.257 --> 00:09:04.097

Edie Feffer: Is there any part of this journey that's making you anxious?


00:09:04.657 --> 00:09:13.996

Edie Feffer: You can drop that in the chat, and I'll share some examples right? Like it's very normal for the brain to wander down a what if rabbit hole?


00:09:14.367 --> 00:09:20.196

Edie Feffer: So what if this doesn't work is a thought, I hear often, what if I fall again


00:09:20.277 --> 00:09:35.317

Edie Feffer: when we're on this journey together? Some patients can get stuck in a spin cycle of worry also normal and not a problem. That could be tied to fears of the unknown, feeling anxious about lab results or


00:09:35.407 --> 00:09:40.236

Edie Feffer: concerned about the unknowns that come with hormone replacement therapy right?


00:09:41.477 --> 00:09:47.906

Edie Feffer: seeing that it's a boatload of supplements, right? We're just starting to jot down


00:09:47.997 --> 00:09:54.257

Edie Feffer: or release any of the thoughts that you're noticing in your brain, and we're putting them into the chat right?


00:09:57.497 --> 00:10:09.416

Edie Feffer: And we're going to utilize those thoughts later, as as we start to talk about this, and these are thoughts that you can start to be onto, that you can come back to to experiment with the 5 tools that I'm going to give you today.


00:10:10.642 --> 00:10:11.377

Edie Feffer: So


00:10:11.707 --> 00:10:30.697

Edie Feffer: I wanna talk about how we can start to manage your mindset to reduce your stress by being onto your brain. And when I think about health coaching or being on a health journey, I break it down into 2 distinct phases, and there's overlap with each of the phases.


00:10:30.997 --> 00:10:51.917

Edie Feffer: So whether you're coaching with us in Ob, or if you're independently pursuing your bone health journey, I think it can be very helpful to be mindful of these 2 phases, and to have clarity around which one are you currently in so phase? One is observation, mode, and curiosity.


00:10:52.647 --> 00:10:54.287

Edie Feffer: Phase 2


00:10:54.297 --> 00:11:04.406

Edie Feffer: is implementation and experimentation. And again, there's overlap between these 2 phases, and I'm going to break down how each one works right now.


00:11:04.757 --> 00:11:07.376

Edie Feffer: So in phase one.


00:11:07.857 --> 00:11:11.926

Edie Feffer: I'm wanting you to become what I describe as a gentle.


00:11:11.947 --> 00:11:15.087

Edie Feffer: non-judgmental observer.


00:11:15.457 --> 00:11:21.067

Edie Feffer: And I'm wanting you to start to just observe, through a lens of curiosity.


00:11:21.147 --> 00:11:42.377

Edie Feffer: W. Your thoughts and feelings right when I'm doing this work in my personal life for my own health. I'm picturing it like I'm in a movie or like, you're just this 3rd party observer hovering above yourself and starting to watch yourself move throughout your day, and I'm wanting you to start asking yourself 3 questions.


00:11:42.637 --> 00:11:44.346

Edie Feffer: What am I thinking?


00:11:45.137 --> 00:11:46.967

Edie Feffer: What am I feeling?


00:11:47.437 --> 00:11:49.797

Edie Feffer: And do I like my choices?


00:11:50.217 --> 00:11:51.766

Edie Feffer: What am I thinking?


00:11:51.877 --> 00:11:53.516

Edie Feffer: What am I feeling?


00:11:53.807 --> 00:12:22.266

Edie Feffer: And do I like my choices right? We're just starting to cultivate awareness. We're starting to be onto the mind. The more you start to implement, phase one, the more you'll start to separate yourself from your thoughts and realize I am not my thoughts right? You get to create a new identity. That's such a fun. Part of being on a healing journey and awareness whoopsies I got ahead of myself is how we start to cultivate.


00:12:23.087 --> 00:12:29.307

Edie Feffer: or I'm sorry awareness learning how to be onto your brain. Is step one to creating freedom.


00:12:29.467 --> 00:12:33.026

Edie Feffer: And so right. Now I'm offering you the thought


00:12:33.467 --> 00:12:34.597

Edie Feffer: that


00:12:35.237 --> 00:12:42.596

Edie Feffer: there's a way that you can heal your osteoporosis. You can be on this journey where it feels peaceful


00:12:43.467 --> 00:12:53.726

Edie Feffer: where you are able to reduce your stress where it is this portal to increasing your self, trust to optimizing your health, and we start to do that


00:12:54.217 --> 00:12:58.197

Edie Feffer: by increasing our awareness around our thoughts and feelings.


00:12:58.357 --> 00:13:23.447

Edie Feffer: wrapping our arms around that and then moving into phase 2 with phase one. I always picture it like, we're just becoming scientists together. We're putting on our white lab codes. And we're getting curious about the thoughts and feelings. And when you have those thoughts and feelings. You share them with your healthcare team. If you're working with us at Ob or with your healthcare team outside of this program.


00:13:24.457 --> 00:13:32.787

Edie Feffer: And so once we have your observations. We can move into phase 2, to develop a plan to help you start to reduce your stress


00:13:32.847 --> 00:13:37.116

Edie Feffer: phase 2 is implementation and experimentation.


00:13:37.177 --> 00:13:44.706

Edie Feffer: The data that we collect from phase one from you being an observation mode and getting curious about your findings.


00:13:45.321 --> 00:13:48.957

Edie Feffer: Is what will inform the steps that we take


00:13:49.017 --> 00:14:01.926

Edie Feffer: with phase 2 with implementation and experimentation. And so, as you're on a healing journey, we're collecting all sorts of data, right? Your thoughts and feelings are the 1st data point that we're collecting.


00:14:02.037 --> 00:14:04.256

Edie Feffer: We're also collecting your lab results.


00:14:04.377 --> 00:14:08.546

Edie Feffer: We're getting data from the entries that you give us in chronometer.


00:14:09.007 --> 00:14:16.937

Edie Feffer: We're getting data from the way your body responds to supplements. We're getting data from things like your sleep and stress.


00:14:17.127 --> 00:14:28.116

Edie Feffer: And the more that you can just get curious about what you're observing and thinking and feeling that'll help guide you or guide your healthcare team


00:14:28.357 --> 00:14:33.896

Edie Feffer: in terms of micro adjustments that we want to make to help you take your next step forward.


00:14:34.177 --> 00:14:56.397

Edie Feffer: and so you can start to see that as you work these 2 phases, we're always kind of weaving in and out of them. Right? So an example of this could be, we're in phase one. And we're observing what we're thinking and how we're feeling about our nutrition. Right? Isn't it interesting that I'm finding it hard to hit my target with protein?


00:14:56.397 --> 00:15:15.776

Edie Feffer: Okay, we share that. And now we're into implementation and experimentation with micro adjustments that we can make to help you reach that goal with more ease, and you may play with those adjustments or those tools. And you're back in observation mode. Is it working? What am I thinking? What am I feeling? Am I liking my choices right?


00:15:16.547 --> 00:15:23.207

Edie Feffer: And one final thought on this concept of the 2 phases of a health journey


00:15:23.587 --> 00:15:27.307

Edie Feffer: is really just to stress the importance of curiosity.


00:15:27.793 --> 00:15:42.836

Edie Feffer: I always let my patience know. And I wanna let you know, too here that as I encourage you to become a gentle, non judgmental observer, know that as your coach, I'm never judging anything that you do or don't do


00:15:43.117 --> 00:15:45.667

Edie Feffer: none of it's a problem, right?


00:15:45.987 --> 00:15:53.407

Edie Feffer: And so if you were to come to us in this health span nation session, or to your coach or to your healthcare team right?


00:15:53.417 --> 00:16:17.267

Edie Feffer: If you're noticing thoughts like hitting my protein is hard. I'm struggling with the workouts. I'm having a hard time with the supplements, right? We just get to examine those thoughts through a lens of curiosity, and we can start to poke holes at them. We can troubleshoot from there. It could be? Is it an unhelpful thought or a limiting belief that simply needs to be dismantled?


00:16:17.377 --> 00:16:22.946

Edie Feffer: Do you need new tools? Do you need new strategies? It could be a combo of all of these things.


00:16:22.967 --> 00:16:27.216

Edie Feffer: but you can start to see that when you're approaching your healing journey


00:16:27.597 --> 00:16:32.086

Edie Feffer: through this lens, through a lens of curiosity


00:16:32.317 --> 00:16:36.767

Edie Feffer: through an approach where you're onto your thoughts and feelings.


00:16:37.227 --> 00:16:49.747

Edie Feffer: addressing your mindset and getting to the root of any of the thoughts that have been hindering your progress or keeping you stuck is going to help you be able to implement a plan that's doable


00:16:49.777 --> 00:16:51.567

Edie Feffer: and sustainable.


00:16:51.597 --> 00:17:06.126

Edie Feffer: and all that's required is radical honesty and communication, right radical honesty with yourself and radical honesty with your healthcare team. And you'll be on a path to a lasting transformation.


00:17:07.127 --> 00:17:30.807

Edie Feffer: Before we move into the next portion of this discussion. I just wanted to pause here to say that this oftentimes feels like a hidden gem or a hidden benefit to our platinum experience program. It's really normal for us to hear in an initial consultation that patients are excited and surprised to see that


00:17:30.917 --> 00:17:37.266

Edie Feffer: thought work, that mindset is a part of the equation right? And I always say that


00:17:37.947 --> 00:17:45.496

Edie Feffer: I want you living a life you love in a body. You love feeling calm and grounded.


00:17:45.647 --> 00:17:54.536

Edie Feffer: And when we're approaching your health goals, when we're working towards healing your osteoporosis with starting to be onto your mind.


00:17:54.897 --> 00:17:59.847

Edie Feffer: you get into you step into expectant energy.


00:18:00.027 --> 00:18:07.376

Edie Feffer: and it can create a completely different experience for you. So again, this is why slowing down to do this work


00:18:07.517 --> 00:18:11.186

Edie Feffer: independently or with the guidance of our team


00:18:11.577 --> 00:18:13.957

Edie Feffer: can change. How easily


00:18:14.087 --> 00:18:31.077

Edie Feffer: you create your transformation, how peacefully your journey to optimal bone health is. And so I'll pause here just to hear how this is landing. So far I can't see any of the chats, Brett, but feel free to fill me in, or let me know if I should keep cruising.


00:18:32.437 --> 00:18:48.496

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: Yeah. So everybody's had some really, really great feedback. It does seem like the common theme here is that people are really overwhelmed. With just all of their options, and wondering, you know, that they're waking up every day thinking about their Osteo process, and that's their 1st spot.


00:18:48.497 --> 00:19:05.587

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: and if they have severe osteoporosis. They're trying to do everything, but they don't know where to start. And then, you know, Hrt, and whether or not to start Hrt. And you know, if they miss their window, did they not do enough, like all of those emotions, are coming up in the chat right now?


00:19:05.987 --> 00:19:11.057

Edie Feffer: Okay, okay, great. I'm so glad that people are commenting, and it'll be fun to


00:19:11.157 --> 00:19:19.997

Edie Feffer: get coached or start to talk through those feelings and help pull you out of a spin cycle. So yeah, thank you for the participation.


00:19:20.737 --> 00:19:28.766

Edie Feffer: And we can. I I just want to quickly touch on health coaching. And


00:19:28.997 --> 00:19:38.777

Edie Feffer: I think this can be helpful, because you can start to find new ways to get into observation mode right? And so when you look at our pillars.


00:19:40.547 --> 00:19:47.006

Edie Feffer: nutrition, exercise, sleep, connection, mindset and spiritual connection.


00:19:47.477 --> 00:19:54.357

Edie Feffer: You can start to ask yourself, what thoughts are you noticing about each of these different pillars of your health.


00:19:54.567 --> 00:20:08.577

Edie Feffer: What feeling stores do you have towards your meals as an example? Right? What thoughts do you have around your sleep? Hygiene right now. Are you liking your choices within each of these pillars?


00:20:09.447 --> 00:20:27.117

Edie Feffer: Connection is a big one. When I think about the patience that I'm coaching right? Loneliness is a common one. And that could be specific to whether or not you live alone. You eat alone. You feel lonely in this journey, right? We're just getting curious.


00:20:27.117 --> 00:20:42.826

Edie Feffer: and the more you can give those thoughts a container to be released, whether it's in your journal or with your healthcare team, the easier it'll be for you to get out of your own way and to feel more calm and grounded, and to have clarity on your next step forward.


00:20:43.237 --> 00:20:50.986

Edie Feffer: and we're gonna start to talk about all that now. So we're gonna frame your mindset before we get into the tools.


00:20:51.007 --> 00:21:18.817

Edie Feffer: And we've covered the 2 different categories of stress, right? The stress we can just get rid of by making a decision. And the stress that requires more patience. We've started to talk through. Why, we begin with mindset when we're on a healing journey, and I've identified the 2 phases of a health journey. Right phase one is observation, mode, and curiosity and phase. 2 is implementation and experimentation.


00:21:19.767 --> 00:21:32.067

Edie Feffer: When we're framing your mindset, there are 3 thoughts that I want to offer you to help you make progress with more ease, and I'll list them out for you here, and then we'll break each one down. The 1st thought


00:21:32.077 --> 00:21:34.457

Edie Feffer: is that overwhelm is normal.


00:21:34.797 --> 00:21:36.627

Edie Feffer: and it's not a problem.


00:21:37.487 --> 00:21:46.227

Edie Feffer: You can learn how to manage your mindset with this and that part of your transformation is going to be just as exciting


00:21:46.507 --> 00:21:48.827

Edie Feffer: as it will be to heal your bones.


00:21:49.647 --> 00:21:54.647

Edie Feffer: 2 as scary as a diagnosis of osteoporosis can be.


00:21:54.797 --> 00:22:02.516

Edie Feffer: I want to offer you the thought that it can be a portal to healing more than just your bones.


00:22:03.237 --> 00:22:11.037

Edie Feffer: This is my favorite thought. I see nods, and I'm excited about that 3 is that the body wants to heal.


00:22:12.447 --> 00:22:20.116

Edie Feffer: Let that sink in the body wants to heal it wants to guide you back to optimal health.


00:22:20.307 --> 00:22:29.017

Edie Feffer: Your job is to slow down and learn how to work with it and listen to it and trust it. And we're going to talk about that today as well.


00:22:30.237 --> 00:22:50.807

Edie Feffer: So with that 1st thought, overwhelm is normal and not a problem. Feeling scared is normal. None of your thoughts, feelings, or emotions are a problem. I always say you get to bring whatever you're observing in phase one through observation, mode, and curiosity, you get to bring it to us. We get to wrap our arms around it.


00:22:50.877 --> 00:22:54.516

Edie Feffer: and we get to either poke holes at any of those thoughts


00:22:55.137 --> 00:22:58.297

Edie Feffer: to help create peace and relief.


00:22:58.307 --> 00:23:04.527

Edie Feffer: And from there we get to implement a plan that will help you reach your goals with more ease and confidence. Right, all.


00:23:04.537 --> 00:23:06.906

Edie Feffer: all to help you reduce your stress.


00:23:07.007 --> 00:23:12.286

Edie Feffer: The other thought with this is that the brain loves having a plan.


00:23:12.817 --> 00:23:29.126

Edie Feffer: And the brain loves a plan. That is 3, yeah, 3 to 5 steps. That's what it can latch onto. And so whether you're coaching with us or you're doing this work independently, just within the thoughts that Brett has shared so far in the chat


00:23:29.127 --> 00:23:46.275

Edie Feffer: we can start to think about. How can we identify your 1st 3 steps right? There's a reason why, at the end of each coaching session, we're setting one to 3 small intentions, and I encourage you to always lower the bar and to set them smaller. Then your brain is telling you you should


00:23:46.597 --> 00:23:58.547

Edie Feffer: today you're going to get 5 tools that can be a part of your mindset plan. They can be part of your mindset strategy, and I'm encouraging you to just pick 2 to experiment with first, st


00:23:59.737 --> 00:24:05.207

Edie Feffer: this 3.rd This is a second thought. Osteoporosis can be a portal to heal.


00:24:06.517 --> 00:24:24.026

Edie Feffer: It can be a portal to you, increasing yourself. Trust to you, taking care of yourself to the highest degree possible to showing your body patience, love, respect, appreciation, more than you ever have before. It can be a portal to you, showing up for yourself


00:24:24.127 --> 00:24:30.316

Edie Feffer: in new ways. It can be a portal to you, liking the way you treat yourself more.


00:24:30.567 --> 00:24:36.386

Edie Feffer: And all of these outcomes start with the way you're thinking about yourself.


00:24:36.517 --> 00:24:39.926

Edie Feffer: It all begins with the way you're talking to yourself.


00:24:40.267 --> 00:24:58.896

Edie Feffer: and so you can start to see why thought work is step one to building your belief, to creating a plan that's sustainable and doable to taking inspired action in a body loving way. And that's kind of the perfect segue for the 3rd


00:24:59.157 --> 00:25:07.456

Edie Feffer: part of the head space that we're after to help you heal your bones. And it's this one that requires the belief that your body wants to heal.


00:25:07.967 --> 00:25:21.937

Edie Feffer: and one way that your body is guiding you back to health is through the messages that it's sending you, and there are lots of different ways that the body is communicating with us. Right? I list a few of them out here.


00:25:22.685 --> 00:25:24.437

Edie Feffer: Some examples could be


00:25:24.457 --> 00:25:34.897

Edie Feffer: your bowel movements change right? We're in phase one. We're in observation mode. And we're getting curious. Is it an interesting that suddenly I have loose stool?


00:25:34.897 --> 00:25:57.827

Edie Feffer: Is it because I'm stressed? Is it because I have something going on with my gut. Right? Is it an interesting that all of a sudden I have this new pattern with my sleep, where I'm waking up at 3 am. On the nose every night or morning? Right? It could be tied to cravings. One of my favorite things to dissect. Isn't it interesting that all of a sudden I'm craving sweets in a new way. And


00:25:58.147 --> 00:26:02.287

Edie Feffer: when we're doing this part of the work I picture it.


00:26:02.507 --> 00:26:15.616

Edie Feffer: I love visuals. I picture this like a car dashboard, and these are just sensor lights that are going off right. And when we're trusting that the body wants to heal that it's guiding us back to health.


00:26:15.837 --> 00:26:27.557

Edie Feffer: We just simply need to say, back to the body message received. I'm going to share this observation with my healthcare team right? And we can start to work with the body.


00:26:28.411 --> 00:26:35.246

Edie Feffer: One concept that I like to teach and coach on is the concept of the bread crumbs right? Because the body wants to heal.


00:26:35.387 --> 00:26:53.607

Edie Feffer: We're always just looking for the next breadcrumb, and it's guiding us back to optimal health. Breadcrumbs can be laid out for us in the form of the messages that the body is sending you like the ones I just described. But also when you're in a coaching session with us. That is 45 min.


00:26:53.847 --> 00:27:10.216

Edie Feffer: It's this container dedicated to you, processing and reflecting like we always show up prepared to teach and coach based on where we left off in our prior session or based on the coaching that's happened via chat, if you're in our program.


00:27:10.837 --> 00:27:32.357

Edie Feffer: But also that's 45 min for you to process and reflect on what's working, what's not working? What do I want to do differently? And you can do this work independently in a journal, right? This is where slowing down will speed up your results, slowing down to start to be onto the thoughts and the feelings. And what's rolling in your round in your mind, will help


00:27:32.537 --> 00:27:47.857

Edie Feffer: the breadcrumbs be revealed. I always describe this part of the work. It's like we're just looking for these little gems that come through when you make space to actually hear what the body is saying, and part of this work, I think of it as


00:27:48.477 --> 00:27:50.956

Edie Feffer: 2 separate entities. Right?


00:27:51.137 --> 00:28:03.597

Edie Feffer: We have your brain. We have the thoughts that you're noticing, and we have the body. We have the sensations in the body that you're noticing and


00:28:03.657 --> 00:28:18.026

Edie Feffer: any of the symptoms that you're noticing, and my job is to help you get your brain and your body rowing together on the same team in harmony. And when we do that, when we're doing the thought work


00:28:18.267 --> 00:28:26.926

Edie Feffer: with the action, and we're staying in observation mode with all that's presenting mind and body, you'll reach your goal with much more ease.


00:28:29.207 --> 00:28:42.526

Edie Feffer: so we can get into the fun stuff in terms of 5 tools that you can start to experiment with, to manage your mindset and reduce your stress. And how are we on time? I think we're good. so celebration.


00:28:42.884 --> 00:28:56.946

Edie Feffer: This is one of my favorite tools, and I'll talk through that 1. 1st we'll talk through the concept of expanders. We'll do the thought model the emotional guidance scale, and then I'll leave you with a journal exercise called Finding your why.


00:28:58.027 --> 00:28:59.777

Edie Feffer: let me take a drink real quick.


00:28:59.977 --> 00:29:03.647

Edie Feffer: and Brett feel free to chime in. If there's anything.


00:29:04.747 --> 00:29:11.547

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: No, the chats going great. People are very interested. And I think getting into these tools is, gonna be super helpful.


00:29:11.877 --> 00:29:12.737

Edie Feffer: Yeah. Great.


00:29:12.957 --> 00:29:14.607

Edie Feffer: Okay? So celebration.


00:29:14.677 --> 00:29:21.416

Edie Feffer: this is a strategy you can start doing today, we're going to start doing it as a collect as a collective in the chat.


00:29:21.607 --> 00:29:41.397

Edie Feffer: and it's the concept of celebration, right? Celebration. We'll talk through how to do it. The science behind it, if you, if you're like me. I find science to be highly motivating. I am much more likely to actually do something if I understand what it's doing for my brain or my body. And like I mentioned, we're gonna have an opportunity to celebrate.


00:29:41.617 --> 00:30:04.916

Edie Feffer: And I can talk about this part. Now, vitamin g and vitamin. L, you get 2 more supplements and or vitamins. Right vitamin g is gratitude and vitamin. Li think of as love, and my hope is that when you're considering celebration, you view it through that lens, and you're giving yourself a daily dose of vitamin g and vitamin L. And so


00:30:05.406 --> 00:30:14.707

Edie Feffer: celebration is a critical part to a transformation, any transformation, whether you're working on healing your relationship with food.


00:30:14.797 --> 00:30:18.166

Edie Feffer: Pardon me weight loss or your bones, and


00:30:18.297 --> 00:30:22.937

Edie Feffer: it's a tool that we can use to upgrade your identity


00:30:23.127 --> 00:30:26.427

Edie Feffer: and to shift yourself concept faster.


00:30:26.787 --> 00:30:40.827

Edie Feffer: It's a tool that we can use for you to start to see yourself as the person who is healing her bones or his bones right? And so here's how you can start to do it. The idea with celebration


00:30:40.957 --> 00:30:43.907

Edie Feffer: is that I want you to be on the hunt


00:30:44.227 --> 00:30:55.247

Edie Feffer: throughout your day for all of your wins, all of your big wins and your small wins. I want you to be looking for all of the ways that you're proud of yourself.


00:30:55.567 --> 00:31:11.647

Edie Feffer: We're always gathering up all of the evidence that this is already working, that you are already taking steps to heal your bones. And so examples of celebrations that patients share with me to get the juices flowing for you


00:31:11.907 --> 00:31:23.586

Edie Feffer: are. I'm proud of myself for ordering a pill organizer for my supplements. I'm proud of myself for familiarizing myself with truby training.


00:31:23.587 --> 00:31:44.177

Edie Feffer: I'm proud of myself for downloading chronometer and using the Bar code scanner for the 1st time. I'm proud of myself for experimenting with a new protein source. The thing that I want you to see with these examples these celebrations is that they are easy for the brain to discount because they seem small.


00:31:44.817 --> 00:31:50.536

Edie Feffer: But these this is an example of how meaningful change doesn't have to be drastic.


00:31:51.027 --> 00:31:52.197

Edie Feffer: and


00:31:52.857 --> 00:31:57.617

Edie Feffer: the more that you are in an energy of celebration.


00:31:57.727 --> 00:32:01.136

Edie Feffer: the easier it will be for you to create momentum


00:32:01.177 --> 00:32:03.017

Edie Feffer: in your bone. Health journey


00:32:03.347 --> 00:32:15.817

Edie Feffer: in terms of the science. Behind this, we're talking about plasticity, right? And plasticity is your brain's innate ability to create and strengthen new connections between neurons.


00:32:16.197 --> 00:32:29.376

Edie Feffer: The quickest way to shape your brain is to train it and mold it like plastic. That's neuroplasticity. And to me, that's such a freeing concept. Because how fun is it that we can retrain our brain


00:32:29.587 --> 00:32:43.467

Edie Feffer: to help us reach our goal with more ease? It's your brain's ability to adapt. And when you're celebrating, that's what you're doing. You're reinforcing who you're becoming on your bone health journey


00:32:43.687 --> 00:33:08.807

Edie Feffer: so that this is a lasting transformation. Right? You are the person who heals her bones, and with the repetition of celebration, the new neural pathways fire together and wire together, and I pictured this part of the work like a a tire tread on a dirt road. You know how, when you drive down a dirt road for the 1st time, it's a very light track.


00:33:08.807 --> 00:33:20.096

Edie Feffer: but as we continue to celebrate your wins. And this is how I start every single coaching session with asking you, what are you most proud of between now? And when we met last month.


00:33:20.307 --> 00:33:39.327

Edie Feffer: it becomes this very well, deeply worn track. And that's what's happening in your brain. You're strengthening those neural new neural pathways. You're shifting yourself, concept, you're creating a new identity. And you're building your belief in yourself. We're getting your brain on board with where you're going And so


00:33:39.717 --> 00:33:43.457

Edie Feffer: if you're not in our program. You can do this in your journal.


00:33:44.017 --> 00:33:55.656

Edie Feffer: I encourage you in my personal life. I do this every day. I simply list 10 things that I'm thankful for. But the 1st 3 I want them to be wins for you things that you're proud of yourself for.


00:33:55.817 --> 00:34:19.497

Edie Feffer: big or small, you could do this work with an accountability partner with a loved one, with a friend, anyone who's supporting you in your osteoprosis journey. If you're in our program. You can do it via chat. These chats make my day like I want my inbox blown up with all of your wins. That's you slowing down to speed up your results. You can also do them in our monthly coaching sessions.


00:34:20.287 --> 00:34:34.537

Edie Feffer: So I will pause here, and you can drop your wins in the chat. I'd love to hear something that you're proud of yourself, for this is an opportunity you for you to start to be an observation mode. Notice is your brain


00:34:34.567 --> 00:34:41.666

Edie Feffer: giving you any thoughts around this as you start to share your chats, I'll share. What I've noticed is that for many of us.


00:34:41.697 --> 00:34:57.436

Edie Feffer: initially, celebration can feel uncomfortable right? A lot of us aren't used to tooting our own horn, but especially in a group setting. Tooting your own horn does nothing but good because you're showing others what's possible. Right? And 2, it takes work.


00:34:57.607 --> 00:35:10.827

Edie Feffer: It takes effort for the brain to find something to be proud of yourself, for, to celebrate. It's really easy for it to want to discount. How effective can this really be celebrating myself? But I promise you.


00:35:11.167 --> 00:35:25.696

Edie Feffer: my clients or my patients who get the best results, who reach their or who create what I call their high vibe habits, who start doing the things that they want to be doing to help yield their bones. The ones who are in an energy of celebration


00:35:26.277 --> 00:35:32.457

Edie Feffer: reach their goal with so much more ease and so yes, feel free to share anything that's coming through.


00:35:32.917 --> 00:35:35.597

Edie Feffer: Toot your own horn. Be proud of yourself.


00:35:35.597 --> 00:35:48.376

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: Lots of wins coming into the chat, people lowering their Ctx, people eating more protein, starting weightlifting, more often starting to track their intake. So there's lots of great things coming through.


00:35:48.647 --> 00:35:50.177

Edie Feffer: Yay, I love it.


00:35:50.537 --> 00:35:51.487

Edie Feffer: Awesome


00:35:51.627 --> 00:35:53.067

Edie Feffer: congratulations.


00:35:54.204 --> 00:36:04.456

Edie Feffer: When we're in a coaching session we dig a little bit deeper there, right? So if you're doing this work independently, I would be asking you questions like, what do you think helped you create this result


00:36:04.907 --> 00:36:15.166

Edie Feffer: like, I want you to start to see how powerful you are, how in control of this situation you are. And so you can do that as well from a journaling perspective. You're just getting curious.


00:36:17.887 --> 00:36:26.096

Edie Feffer: so we can start to talk about the 5 tools to help you manage your mindset to ultimately reduce your stress. And


00:36:26.731 --> 00:36:34.197

Edie Feffer: I actually just shared. The 1st one is that concept of celebration. This is the second one. It's this concept of an expander.


00:36:34.317 --> 00:36:58.717

Edie Feffer: I always want to give credit to the people who have influenced the way I teach and coach. And this expanders concept comes from a woman named Lacy Phillips. She had a year long program that I participated in and loved it. And an expander is someone who has created or achieved something in their life that you desire to have, or that you desire to create right? And so


00:36:59.792 --> 00:37:06.176

Edie Feffer: essentially, an expander is someone who's holding up a mirror for you and showing you what's possible.


00:37:06.937 --> 00:37:08.057

Edie Feffer: and


00:37:08.486 --> 00:37:14.556

Edie Feffer: the key to finding the right expander is that there has to be something about them.


00:37:14.867 --> 00:37:37.627

Edie Feffer: some aspect of their life that you can relate to or identify with, and an expander when we're thinking about this through the lens of an osteoporosis journey is going to be someone who can help you believe that it's impossible that it's possible for you to heal your bones, too.


00:37:37.767 --> 00:37:47.687

Edie Feffer: And again, this is another way that we can start to build your belief, to get your brain on board with where you're going. Your belief comes first, st and


00:37:47.887 --> 00:38:03.176

Edie Feffer: I'll give you an example of of expanders. How I've utilized this in my own health journey, while I haven't had to navigate osteoporosis like I did have an unhealthy relationship with food, and I was overweight, and


00:38:03.177 --> 00:38:21.207

Edie Feffer: I found an expander through a social media post right? I saw a woman who I went to high school with, and she posted her before and after, and up until that point I always thought that those types of photos were just edited or Photoshopped. But when I saw my high school classmates photo


00:38:21.207 --> 00:38:28.476

Edie Feffer: my brain thought, this is a real person. This is a woman, I know, and she has kids, and she's like


00:38:28.477 --> 00:38:42.477

Edie Feffer: like me in many other ways, in terms of where she was in her weight, loss journey, and that was my expander. She served as an expander to help me see, to believe. If Ellen can do it, I can do it too, right. And so


00:38:43.585 --> 00:38:46.927

Edie Feffer: that's that's how an expander


00:38:47.327 --> 00:38:59.326

Edie Feffer: helps you get your brain on board with where you're going. And when you do this, if you utilize this tool I recommend recommend finding 3 to 5 expanders to help you start to shift your belief system.


00:38:59.527 --> 00:39:00.913

Edie Feffer: A few


00:39:01.767 --> 00:39:19.607

Edie Feffer: guidelines with it is one you don't have to know the expander. It could be someone who shares a transformation or part of her phone health journey on social media. It could be a stranger you meet at Osteo Strong. They can also be what I call fragmented expanders. So


00:39:19.957 --> 00:39:36.756

Edie Feffer: in my personal life I found a fragmented expander specific to food. Right. I don't like to cook. And so one of my limiting beliefs was that weight loss is gonna be really hard, because I don't know how to cook, and I don't like how I don't like doing it. But I found someone on social media


00:39:37.042 --> 00:39:53.866

Edie Feffer: who was able to help me dismantle that belief by showing me how simple she keeps it right. She served as an expander for me that this doesn't have to look a certain way. You can do this without having to spend a ton of time in the kitchen. Right? And so that part of my health journey was


00:39:55.597 --> 00:39:57.967

Edie Feffer: I utilized a fragmented expander.


00:39:58.707 --> 00:40:25.356

Edie Feffer: An example from a patient that I got last week was she shared how she reconnected with an old friend, and as they were catching up she learned that her friend was on hormone replacement therapy and was having a really positive experience with it. Right? That story lit her up and bolstered her belief. And what's possible for her. So you can start to see that there's lots of different ways. You can utilize expanders


00:40:25.357 --> 00:40:29.506

Edie Feffer: for whatever part of your osteoporosis journey you're on right now


00:40:30.647 --> 00:40:50.446

Edie Feffer: and then. My final thought here is that as you celebrate your wins in this community, in this chat, in slack with your healthcare team. You get to serve in this as an expander for someone else. You can change someone else's life by sharing your wins. You can help simplify someone else's journey by sharing your wins


00:40:50.847 --> 00:41:09.377

Edie Feffer: and something that we're doing at. Oh, to help facilitate this is that we're building out a testimonial library, and then, like. Brett mentioned. We also have a slack channel where you can to your own horn or own horn, and I'll pause here just to hear if any of you have an expander already


00:41:09.477 --> 00:41:21.017

Edie Feffer: who's helped simplify your journey. Or, again, if anyone wants to celebrate something specific to your progress, something that you think could help someone else based on the concerns that you've seen in the chat feel free to chime in now.


00:41:21.827 --> 00:41:27.137

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: If you wanna go ahead and use the raise your hand feature, we will call on you and


00:41:28.197 --> 00:41:30.637

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: get you and have you on mute.


00:41:40.997 --> 00:41:41.867

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: Oh.


00:41:43.127 --> 00:41:44.436

Edie Feffer: Was it a quiet group.


00:41:44.627 --> 00:41:48.508

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: We have a quiet group today. That's fine. Some


00:41:51.047 --> 00:41:56.198

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: I we. I've been sharing a few testimonials from our team.


00:41:56.697 --> 00:42:08.267

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: but we do have some like successes here in the chat with people getting better sleep from eating more protein. At night. So oh, Cheryl, go ahead and unmute.


00:42:11.917 --> 00:42:30.637

Cheryl Edwards: So I want to share my success. I just had my annual physical blood work done. Although I won't get my Pm. P. One Np. Blood work done till Friday. My Ctx. Has dropped 62 points in the last year from 4 47 to 3 85, and I'm assuming it's gonna keep dropping


00:42:31.058 --> 00:42:41.595

Cheryl Edwards: I've been eating 150 grams of protein a day. Animal protein focused. I started taking a milk protein milk based protein, the


00:42:42.583 --> 00:42:52.397

Cheryl Edwards: French mariners, pine bark and anato and I do consistent strength training. In fact, I just joined the true Via App.


00:42:52.407 --> 00:43:10.486

Cheryl Edwards: So all of those little things added up, and there we go. Last last year my Ctx bumped up to 4 47, and it's always been in the mid 300, so I was really scared. But I took hold of the situation. I did something, and it all ended up, and then it lowered it.


00:43:12.377 --> 00:43:15.197

Edie Feffer: Congratulations. Cheryl, that's so exciting.


00:43:15.197 --> 00:43:16.307

Cheryl Edwards: Thank you. I know.


00:43:16.737 --> 00:43:23.936

Edie Feffer: Yeah, what do you think has surprised you most about your bone health journey, or this process of seeing how all of your winds are compounding.


00:43:24.207 --> 00:43:41.377

Cheryl Edwards: I think that I have started to open my mind and listen to different people. I had been listening to one person. I don't think that person was doing me a lot of good. So I opened my mind and started listening to drunk, joined his group. And I've implemented things that I've heard him say, and other people say, and it really does work.


00:43:42.347 --> 00:43:54.407

Edie Feffer: Yes, I, the when I'm celebrating for you, is your patience and your curiosity and your persistence to continue to explore, to find people who align with the approach that you wanna take.


00:43:54.427 --> 00:43:56.707

Edie Feffer: And yeah, congratulations.


00:43:58.747 --> 00:43:59.877

Edie Feffer: That's awesome.


00:44:02.447 --> 00:44:06.966

Edie Feffer: Fred is. I'll keep cruising. I'm looking at the time. Is it good to move on to the next tool.


00:44:06.967 --> 00:44:08.536

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: Yep, let's go ahead and keep going.


00:44:08.897 --> 00:44:26.997

Edie Feffer: Okay, cool. This is an interactive activity. It's called the thought model. And this is one of my favorite tools to teach and coach on to help you learn how to be onto your thoughts and you can raise your hand if this is something that you'd like to participate in.


00:44:27.117 --> 00:44:35.151

Edie Feffer: If you have a thought that you're concerned about, or some aspect of your journey that is stressing you out right now.


00:44:35.587 --> 00:44:39.297

Edie Feffer: And I'll walk you through the model, and then


00:44:39.407 --> 00:45:01.256

Edie Feffer: we can call on a volunteer who wants to see this in real time. And so ctf AR again. I always like to give credit to the people who have helped me develop tools. That I utilize in my coaching practice, and this model comes from Brooke Castillo, from the Life Coach School. There are other coaches who utilize this model in a similar fashion.


00:45:01.347 --> 00:45:28.766

Edie Feffer: but I found it to be a highly effective way to pull yourself out of a spin cycle and to help you feel in control and gain clarity on what your next best step is right. And so C. Stands for circumstance with your circumstance. When we're when we're running this model together, we always want it to be tight and clean and concise, and I'll walk you through what this looks like with the volunteer who wants to experiment with this? Together.


00:45:29.477 --> 00:45:31.157

Edie Feffer: then we have your thoughts.


00:45:31.167 --> 00:45:45.867

Edie Feffer: Your T line is this thoughts. So when we're when we're addressing or when we're thinking about this particular circumstance, this thing that's stressing you out. I want you to do a brain dump of all of the thoughts without judging or filtering them.


00:45:46.417 --> 00:45:49.947

Edie Feffer: Then from there, I'm gonna ask you what you're feeling.


00:45:50.007 --> 00:45:52.587

Edie Feffer: right? We're just noticing the feelings


00:45:52.827 --> 00:45:54.767

Edie Feffer: specific to these thoughts.


00:45:55.117 --> 00:46:03.087

Edie Feffer: And then we're gonna notice your a line. What action are you taking when you're in this thought feeling Combo


00:46:03.517 --> 00:46:05.297

Edie Feffer: and I'll guide you through this.


00:46:05.607 --> 00:46:13.917

Edie Feffer: Then we'll get to the result. What result do these thoughts, feelings, and actions create


00:46:14.537 --> 00:46:15.687

Edie Feffer: and


00:46:16.877 --> 00:46:17.617

Edie Feffer: let me.


00:46:18.317 --> 00:46:19.807

Edie Feffer: We have Roberta.


00:46:20.029 --> 00:46:30.047

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: If Sharon wants to unmute. And, Edie, you can just go back to the 1st slide if you want to walk through it, or if you can stay on this slide. That's totally fine. But Sharon is going to do the activity with us.


00:46:30.437 --> 00:46:34.266

Edie Feffer: Okay, great. I'm I'm just wondering how I can edit this live.


00:46:35.158 --> 00:46:36.466

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: I don't think you can.


00:46:36.727 --> 00:46:39.906

Edie Feffer: I'm gonna just make a Google doc real quick. And we can do it in that.


00:46:40.197 --> 00:46:40.547

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: Perfect.


00:46:40.547 --> 00:46:41.156

Edie Feffer: To be you.


00:46:47.847 --> 00:46:49.517

Edie Feffer: Can you see my Google, Doc.


00:46:49.517 --> 00:46:50.137

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: Yep.


00:46:50.757 --> 00:46:51.657

Edie Feffer: Could you?


00:46:52.907 --> 00:46:55.547

Edie Feffer: Okay? And Sharon.


00:46:55.637 --> 00:46:57.837

Edie Feffer: did you say Sharon wants to unmute herself and.


00:46:57.837 --> 00:47:00.467

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: Yes, and she's unmuted. So you guys can go ahead and start.


00:47:00.847 --> 00:47:02.126

Edie Feffer: Okay. Hi, Sharon.


00:47:02.367 --> 00:47:03.037

Sharon: Hi.


00:47:03.557 --> 00:47:04.167

Sharon: so


00:47:04.887 --> 00:47:09.566

Sharon: base my hand because I was gonna ask you about eft tapping. But


00:47:09.977 --> 00:47:14.833

Sharon: so. But I also have a circumstance that's like right in my face. Right?


00:47:16.207 --> 00:47:18.416

Sharon: I have a 21 year old child


00:47:18.807 --> 00:47:20.457

Sharon: who's not thriving.


00:47:21.257 --> 00:47:23.286

Sharon: He's not diverse.


00:47:23.737 --> 00:47:26.036

Sharon: and I'm mainly worried about him.


00:47:26.767 --> 00:47:27.597

Edie Feffer: Okay.


00:47:29.157 --> 00:47:31.316

Edie Feffer: I'm proud of you for volunteering.


00:47:32.047 --> 00:47:33.207

Edie Feffer: And


00:47:33.367 --> 00:47:38.346

Edie Feffer: are you able to take yourself off video, or do you? Are you more comfortable being on video.


00:47:38.387 --> 00:47:39.806

Edie Feffer: Oh, hit with off.


00:47:40.277 --> 00:47:41.867

Sharon: Is it? Okay? That's fine.


00:47:42.987 --> 00:47:46.016

Sharon: I'm really tired because I think patterns aren't good either.


00:47:46.667 --> 00:47:56.039

Edie Feffer: Yeah, it's helpful from a coaching perspective, just to be able to see you. But I respect the fact. If you prefer to be off video as well. We can certainly work that way.


00:47:56.896 --> 00:48:01.846

Edie Feffer: Okay. So your circumstances that you have a 21 year old child who's not thriving


00:48:04.307 --> 00:48:05.247

Edie Feffer: right?


00:48:05.247 --> 00:48:06.057

Sharon: But guess.


00:48:06.357 --> 00:48:11.296

Edie Feffer: Okay. And when we move to the T line.


00:48:11.347 --> 00:48:12.637

Edie Feffer: the thoughts


00:48:13.237 --> 00:48:23.196

Edie Feffer: I'd like for you to just share, without judging or filtering anything, any of the thoughts that come to mind the thoughts that you notice when you're thinking about your child.


00:48:25.727 --> 00:48:26.482

Sharon: thoughts


00:48:27.237 --> 00:48:27.917

Edie Feffer: Hmm.


00:48:29.817 --> 00:48:31.396

Sharon: How do I support him.


00:48:32.137 --> 00:48:34.806

Sharon: you know, in a helpful way.


00:48:35.517 --> 00:48:36.237

Edie Feffer: Hmm.


00:48:37.547 --> 00:48:40.367

Sharon: It's hard not to get frustrated. And


00:48:41.177 --> 00:48:42.007

Sharon: oh.


00:48:43.167 --> 00:48:43.867

Sharon: gosh!


00:48:45.697 --> 00:48:46.647

Sharon: And


00:48:47.917 --> 00:48:50.126

Sharon: the wondering I I


00:48:52.577 --> 00:48:54.735

Sharon: I think it's harder when


00:48:55.327 --> 00:48:58.217

Sharon: you know they're an adult right? And you can't.


00:48:58.552 --> 00:48:58.887

Edie Feffer: Hmm.


00:48:59.197 --> 00:48:59.877

Sharon: Really


00:49:01.077 --> 00:49:05.026

Sharon: They they don't. They're more autonomous. And so


00:49:06.367 --> 00:49:09.556

Sharon: So I asked. I try to ask questions about


00:49:11.397 --> 00:49:17.786

Sharon: things like, you're you're saying here the thoughts and feelings so that I can understand trying to understand


00:49:20.827 --> 00:49:21.617

Sharon: and


00:49:23.417 --> 00:49:25.837

Sharon: Trying to to relate with


00:49:25.957 --> 00:49:26.617

Sharon: what


00:49:27.067 --> 00:49:29.387

Sharon: his journey. What is he's going to.


00:49:29.527 --> 00:49:30.296

Sharon: Sure


00:49:32.927 --> 00:49:37.047

Sharon: and it's been difficult getting, you know, services.


00:49:41.457 --> 00:49:42.596

Sharon: And then, you know.


00:49:45.337 --> 00:49:46.317

Sharon: there's


00:49:46.857 --> 00:49:50.197

Sharon: all these other things like people in the chat are saying.


00:49:51.427 --> 00:49:56.857

Sharon: You know, the overwhelm with osteoporosis is so much different, because I'm new to Hsn


00:49:58.517 --> 00:50:02.106

Sharon: and and I hope it's been proactive and taking a lot of steps. But


00:50:02.457 --> 00:50:03.987

Sharon: you know it's


00:50:04.367 --> 00:50:07.256

Sharon: you get tired and stressed all the time.


00:50:09.357 --> 00:50:12.537

Sharon: And so, you know, socks go in and out go.


00:50:13.167 --> 00:50:17.057

Sharon: My, you know I probably have chronic high cortisol levels.


00:50:17.237 --> 00:50:20.217

Sharon: He does, too. Probably, you know it's just.


00:50:20.487 --> 00:50:24.307

Sharon: and it owns well, these are thoughts I won't go by feelings.


00:50:25.072 --> 00:50:27.626

Edie Feffer: Yeah, we'll get to feelings. Next.


00:50:27.627 --> 00:50:28.193

Sharon: Go on!


00:50:29.197 --> 00:50:33.897

Edie Feffer: Yeah, these are great thoughts that you've shared so far like you're already


00:50:35.357 --> 00:50:38.796

Edie Feffer: giving these thoughts structure


00:50:38.967 --> 00:50:49.206

Edie Feffer: a container to land in in the form of this model. Right? And so, when you're in this circumstance of your 21 year old child, not thriving.


00:50:49.677 --> 00:51:15.056

Edie Feffer: And, Sharon, you're thinking, how do I support him in a helpful way. It's hard to not get frustrated. It's harder when they're an adult. I am finding it difficult to get services for him. There are all of these things that you have to do as well to take care of your own health. With your Osteo process and the overwhelm and feeling tired and stress. And what if my cortisol levels are high? Right?


00:51:16.117 --> 00:51:17.797

Edie Feffer: What feeling


00:51:18.007 --> 00:51:19.286

Edie Feffer: are you


00:51:19.917 --> 00:51:21.867

Edie Feffer: experiencing? Then.


00:51:24.467 --> 00:51:26.816

Sharon: Oh, I guess I mentioned the frustration.


00:51:28.017 --> 00:51:28.857

Sharon: We're.


00:51:33.707 --> 00:51:35.167

Sharon: the overwhelm


00:51:35.467 --> 00:51:36.627

Sharon: stress.


00:51:36.747 --> 00:51:38.957

Sharon: the chronic stress


00:51:42.207 --> 00:51:43.247

Sharon: when


00:51:44.247 --> 00:51:46.557

Sharon: and it almost feels like when


00:51:48.287 --> 00:51:49.261

Sharon: things


00:51:50.857 --> 00:51:51.607

Sharon: I


00:51:51.867 --> 00:51:56.677

Sharon: going well for him. I almost it almost seems that I can feel it.


00:52:00.637 --> 00:52:12.986

Edie Feffer: with with this particular part of the model. When we're identifying the feeling or emotion, this is something that breta is gonna give everyone. Access to it's the Hoffman Feelings list.


00:52:13.017 --> 00:52:20.007

Edie Feffer: And the more specifically we can identify an emotion the easier it'll be for us to clear it


00:52:20.227 --> 00:52:32.977

Edie Feffer: or to learn how to wrap our arms around it and manage it right. And so I always share this with patience when we're doing this work. In case you see something that feels more spot on than what you've already


00:52:33.327 --> 00:52:37.956

Edie Feffer: identified? And so, in terms of the feelings that you're noticing when you're


00:52:39.427 --> 00:52:40.817

Edie Feffer: in a thought loop.


00:52:42.217 --> 00:52:43.637

Sharon: Yes, sadness.


00:52:44.507 --> 00:52:45.277

Edie Feffer: Yeah.


00:52:45.827 --> 00:52:50.446

Edie Feffer: okay, so we can, we can grab that. You're feeling worried and sad.


00:52:51.227 --> 00:52:51.697

Edie Feffer: Right?


00:52:52.337 --> 00:52:53.087

Sharon: Yeah.


00:52:58.537 --> 00:53:00.670

Sharon: Well, I mean, isn't frustration


00:53:01.787 --> 00:53:04.136

Edie Feffer: Yup. We can add that to the list as well.


00:53:04.307 --> 00:53:04.962

Sharon: And


00:53:06.477 --> 00:53:07.997

Sharon: and overwhelm.


00:53:14.877 --> 00:53:16.427

Sharon: It almost feels like as


00:53:16.457 --> 00:53:20.003

Sharon: the the more I'm thinking, the less I'm feeling


00:53:20.797 --> 00:53:21.867

Sharon: Mahem.


00:53:23.482 --> 00:53:29.857

Edie Feffer: I'm gonna pause here one second just to check in with you, Brett. I'm noticing the time. Are we okay to go a little bit over.


00:53:29.857 --> 00:53:33.466

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: Yes, we are, and I've let everyone know that we'll go over and continue recording.


00:53:33.627 --> 00:54:00.067

Edie Feffer: Okay, perfect, great. So, Sharon, when you're in this circumstance, and you're thinking about your 21 year old son not thriving right? And you're noticing the thoughts. I probably have high cortisol. I'm tired and stressed all the time. There's a lot of these other things that I need to be taking care of as well. It's difficult for me to get services for him. I'm trying my best to understand what his journey is like. It's harder when he's an adult.


00:54:00.427 --> 00:54:05.907

Edie Feffer: and that's making you feel worried and frustrated and sad and overwhelmed.


00:54:06.957 --> 00:54:07.897

Edie Feffer: What


00:54:08.007 --> 00:54:14.096

Edie Feffer: actions do you take? What do you notice you're doing or not doing


00:54:14.427 --> 00:54:16.927

Edie Feffer: when you have these thoughts and feelings


00:54:17.477 --> 00:54:18.847

Edie Feffer: paired together.


00:54:25.577 --> 00:54:26.377

Sharon: Well.


00:54:26.477 --> 00:54:28.167

Sharon: I think that


00:54:29.237 --> 00:54:35.226

Sharon: I certainly make mine. You know my share of mistakes in handling things sometimes.


00:54:40.427 --> 00:54:41.127

Sharon: But


00:54:45.277 --> 00:54:47.216

Sharon: I you know I'm I


00:54:47.447 --> 00:54:49.217

Sharon: I sometimes I will


00:54:49.237 --> 00:54:52.307

Sharon: step back and I'll apologize to him.


00:54:58.027 --> 00:54:59.897

Sharon: I try to


00:55:01.427 --> 00:55:03.267

Sharon: ask questions


00:55:04.177 --> 00:55:06.959

Sharon: like, I said, to try and understand


00:55:10.187 --> 00:55:12.687

Sharon: his feelings, his thoughts.


00:55:16.577 --> 00:55:19.096

Sharon: I have, I mean I have taken the steps.


00:55:19.587 --> 00:55:21.947

Sharon: It's been a long time to get his


00:55:22.157 --> 00:55:23.484

Sharon: to find some


00:55:24.167 --> 00:55:28.266

Sharon: providers, and we are on that path.


00:55:30.887 --> 00:55:39.546

Edie Feffer: Sharon. I'd love to hear what you notice in terms of your own health, like what happens to your body or what actions


00:55:42.527 --> 00:55:45.317

Edie Feffer: do you take or not take? How does this


00:55:46.047 --> 00:55:46.777

Edie Feffer: it.


00:55:48.577 --> 00:55:50.337

Sharon: It takes up time.


00:55:50.617 --> 00:55:53.247

Sharon: so there's less time


00:55:53.747 --> 00:55:55.557

Sharon: for me to do.


00:55:55.757 --> 00:55:58.133

Sharon: You know my exercises?


00:55:59.437 --> 00:56:02.020

Sharon: Or looking into things.


00:56:04.537 --> 00:56:11.117

Sharon: you know that I need to do like, you know, doing the research like


00:56:11.347 --> 00:56:14.415

Sharon: for osteoporosis and other things or


00:56:16.017 --> 00:56:17.667

Sharon: I've been trying to be.


00:56:18.647 --> 00:56:19.857

Sharon: Do more


00:56:20.987 --> 00:56:23.487

Sharon: of my fun things, and


00:56:24.447 --> 00:56:27.138

Sharon: you know, participating in that and


00:56:28.767 --> 00:56:33.646

Sharon: Then I fall behind on my, on. My little. I'm I'm I'm on I'm


00:56:34.377 --> 00:56:44.499

Sharon: I am doing a position in one of our the organizations, I believe. I mean, I'm 1 of the board members. So you know, falling behind on that job.


00:56:45.227 --> 00:56:46.007

Sharon: Things like that.


00:56:46.797 --> 00:56:49.617

Edie Feffer: Yeah. Okay. So I heard.


00:56:50.127 --> 00:57:04.847

Edie Feffer: that when you're when you're having thoughts like, it's difficult, there's a lot that I need to be doing. My cortisol levels are probably high. It's harder to care for him as an adult. And you're feeling worried and sad and frustrated


00:57:04.907 --> 00:57:22.557

Edie Feffer: the way that thought feeling combo impacts. The action that you take is that we recognize you're human and sometimes make mistakes. And you take a step back to apologize. But also it's creating less space for you to prioritize your own health


00:57:22.687 --> 00:57:27.406

Edie Feffer: and you fall behind in other board member responsibilities.


00:57:27.847 --> 00:57:28.857

Edie Feffer: And


00:57:28.977 --> 00:57:32.426

Edie Feffer: when those are the actions that


00:57:33.417 --> 00:57:46.446

Edie Feffer: are taking place right intentionally or not intentionally like. I'll share, too, with this a line with actions. Sometimes the way I see this play out with patience when we run this model is that we notice, hey, I'm buffering.


00:57:47.007 --> 00:58:09.996

Edie Feffer: My brain wants a distraction, and I turn to social media, and I'm scrolling more when I'm feeling worried, overwhelmed, sad, stressed, frustrated. I eat differently. I use food to soothe. Maybe I get in a freeze response. I'm so overwhelmed I'm not doing the things I want to be doing right. We put our health on the back burner because we're trying to take care of everybody else.


00:58:10.613 --> 00:58:11.687

Edie Feffer: And so


00:58:11.947 --> 00:58:32.576

Edie Feffer: these are just ways that we're starting to be onto an observation mode with the action side of things. Right? I'm always asking myself, is the action that I'm taking, contributing to my anxiety. Is it contributing to my stress? Is it contributing to my overwhelm? And one way that we can start to


00:58:33.177 --> 00:58:40.007

Edie Feffer: change that pattern is by noticing what model we're in as we move throughout the day. And so.


00:58:40.057 --> 00:58:46.577

Edie Feffer: if you were to look at the actions here, what is the result. What's the outcome?


00:58:52.487 --> 00:58:54.056

Edie Feffer: When you're feeling like


00:58:54.437 --> 00:58:58.847

Edie Feffer: you're sad, you're worried, you're frustrated. You have less time for your health.


00:58:59.357 --> 00:59:01.317

Edie Feffer: What's happening with your health?


00:59:01.497 --> 00:59:03.777

Sharon: Just a second I lost my screen.


00:59:07.447 --> 00:59:09.736

Sharon: I'm sorry. Say that again. We're


00:59:11.657 --> 00:59:13.147

Edie Feffer: Pardon me when we're


00:59:13.267 --> 00:59:17.727

Edie Feffer: when we're feeling sad and frustrated and overwhelmed, and the actions that


00:59:17.767 --> 00:59:21.136

Edie Feffer: you're noticing our what's unfolding here.


00:59:21.187 --> 00:59:44.077

Edie Feffer: based on these thoughts and feelings are that you are making mistakes. You're apologizing to your son. You have less time for yourself, less time to prioritize your health. You're falling behind in your board responsibilities. What are the results and the results that I'm specifically questioning right now, or getting curious about? Or how is this impacting your bone. Health journey right? How?


00:59:44.237 --> 00:59:45.497

Edie Feffer: What are the


00:59:45.567 --> 00:59:46.866

Edie Feffer: results that


00:59:47.447 --> 00:59:48.667

Edie Feffer: you notice.


00:59:50.317 --> 00:59:52.197

Sharon: How's it impacting? Well.


00:59:52.767 --> 00:59:55.207

Sharon: I'm just juggling many balls.


00:59:56.777 --> 00:59:57.427

Sharon: I mean.


00:59:59.427 --> 01:00:00.577

Sharon: So I


01:00:01.457 --> 01:00:04.687

Sharon: I work on things here and there, and


01:00:05.137 --> 01:00:06.007

Sharon: so


01:00:06.527 --> 01:00:09.077

Sharon: progress is made that way.


01:00:11.397 --> 01:00:12.697

Sharon: And you know


01:00:13.067 --> 01:00:17.087

Sharon: sporadic steps here and there, and work on them.


01:00:19.327 --> 01:00:23.027

Sharon: But you know I still try to stay proactive.


01:00:25.547 --> 01:00:28.417

Sharon: And so sometimes it can be


01:00:29.297 --> 01:00:35.397

Sharon: feeling. I guess. Well, I guess I can feel a little bit scattered sometimes, but I don't know. I just


01:00:37.677 --> 01:00:39.627

Sharon: I think, yeah, I just


01:00:39.777 --> 01:00:41.227

Sharon: trudge on.


01:00:44.617 --> 01:00:45.477

Edie Feffer: yeah.


01:00:45.687 --> 01:00:47.077

Sharon: Is that what you're.


01:00:47.517 --> 01:01:05.256

Edie Feffer: Yeah, it's helpful to see. Yeah, you've done a great job with this, and thank you again for sharing as openly as you are in front of the group like my hope is that everyone can benefit from learning how to run this model. And what we're gonna do here is run it again without changing the circumstance.


01:01:05.527 --> 01:01:12.676

Edie Feffer: But what I want you to see so far is that we have this circumstance where you have a child who is not thriving.


01:01:13.217 --> 01:01:16.256

Edie Feffer: and it no doubt creates stress


01:01:16.297 --> 01:01:18.286

Edie Feffer: and pressure because


01:01:18.487 --> 01:01:22.227

Edie Feffer: you care and love him right? And


01:01:22.307 --> 01:01:25.296

Edie Feffer: the thoughts that you've identified here


01:01:26.289 --> 01:01:36.004

Edie Feffer: create worry, frustration, overwhelm sadness. And we can see that when we're operating from a standpoint of these thoughts and feelings.


01:01:36.757 --> 01:01:48.786

Edie Feffer: it leads to certain action, and those certain actions create a result right? What most people don't realize is that the result is coming from the T line. The thoughts


01:01:50.167 --> 01:01:51.857

Edie Feffer: that you're practicing


01:01:52.787 --> 01:01:55.837

Edie Feffer: the result isn't coming from the C line.


01:01:58.787 --> 01:02:02.436

Edie Feffer: And so if we were to run this model again.


01:02:04.847 --> 01:02:07.497

Edie Feffer: that you have a 21 year old


01:02:07.667 --> 01:02:09.946

Edie Feffer: son who isn't thriving.


01:02:12.807 --> 01:02:15.577

Edie Feffer: And we were to pick thoughts, Sharon.


01:02:15.817 --> 01:02:20.117

Edie Feffer: that we're in alignment with your highest and best self right?


01:02:20.257 --> 01:02:22.636

Edie Feffer: The version of yourself, who


01:02:22.917 --> 01:02:26.597

Edie Feffer: is doing your best to take care for your son.


01:02:26.777 --> 01:02:32.427

Edie Feffer: who is doing her best to show up fully to prioritize your health.


01:02:32.777 --> 01:02:36.197

Edie Feffer: like you're thinking about the health that you're modeling for him.


01:02:36.407 --> 01:02:40.347

Edie Feffer: You're feeling proud of yourself for the actions that you're taking.


01:02:40.737 --> 01:02:47.466

Edie Feffer: You're feeling proud of yourself for the woman that you're becoming as you heal your osteoporosis and


01:02:47.897 --> 01:02:50.577

Edie Feffer: support your son in a way that feels


01:02:50.707 --> 01:02:54.487

Edie Feffer: loving and peaceful to the best of your ability.


01:02:54.977 --> 01:02:58.627

Edie Feffer: What thoughts would you choose from that energy?


01:02:59.667 --> 01:03:03.527

Edie Feffer: Are you able to see anything there, or share anything there.


01:03:06.227 --> 01:03:07.597

Sharon: Put my actions.


01:03:07.887 --> 01:03:09.267

Edie Feffer: Of your thoughts.


01:03:09.517 --> 01:03:10.456

Sharon: Of my so just.


01:03:10.457 --> 01:03:12.787

Edie Feffer: Thinking about this circumstance.


01:03:16.777 --> 01:03:19.304

Sharon: Okay of my thoughts. Am I thinking? I'm sorry I'm


01:03:20.297 --> 01:03:39.957

Edie Feffer: That's okay. So when we're running when we're running the model the second time. So we've identified this. These are my stressful thoughts. Right? We can run the model a second time to generate new thoughts, thoughts that we wanna start practicing to help us reduce our stress around this specific situation.


01:03:40.347 --> 01:03:48.846

Edie Feffer: And so these are the thoughts that we wanna be practicing to help us feel more confident to reduce our stress.


01:03:49.047 --> 01:04:07.217

Edie Feffer: and it may not change the circumstance that you're in. But we do get to choose the thoughts that we have around the circumstance, and those thoughts can create different feelings, a different action, and therefore a different result. Right? And so, if you're thinking about sharing your future self


01:04:07.747 --> 01:04:16.227

Edie Feffer: or your highest and best self, the version of you who is feeling confident in the actions that you're taking to support your son.


01:04:16.667 --> 01:04:23.237

Edie Feffer: The version of you who's being kind to herself, who's showing up fully the way she wants to to help heal your bones.


01:04:24.517 --> 01:04:37.197

Edie Feffer: I can help you generate thoughts. I can give you some ideas that I have just from the little interaction that we've had so far. But if if you have thoughts on like this is how I would be thinking about this situation, these are body loving thoughts.


01:04:37.237 --> 01:04:41.327

Edie Feffer: I'm curious to hear if anything comes through, and if not, I'm happy to help guide you.


01:04:42.877 --> 01:04:46.306

Sharon: Well, I think what I'm hearing is you want me to


01:04:48.947 --> 01:04:50.667

Sharon: find thoughts that


01:04:52.297 --> 01:04:53.307

Sharon: I


01:04:54.767 --> 01:04:56.297

Sharon: I can find


01:04:56.737 --> 01:04:58.457

Sharon: success in, or.


01:04:58.747 --> 01:05:00.616

Edie Feffer: Yes. Okay. Yeah.


01:05:00.847 --> 01:05:01.622

Sharon: So.


01:05:03.097 --> 01:05:04.896

Sharon: well, I


01:05:05.557 --> 01:05:06.987

Sharon: I have. I mean


01:05:07.457 --> 01:05:09.576

Sharon: the I have gotten


01:05:12.127 --> 01:05:13.967

Sharon: providers who are.


01:05:14.727 --> 01:05:18.656

Sharon: It's it's it takes a long time to get through the process. But


01:05:19.359 --> 01:05:21.047

Sharon: who are helpful.


01:05:21.597 --> 01:05:24.116

Edie Feffer: Great. I have providers who are helping me.


01:05:24.837 --> 01:05:30.967

Sharon: Well for my son, and well for myself, I I on my oste process I


01:05:31.337 --> 01:05:36.155

Sharon: found an obg yn that is willing to to prescribe


01:05:37.627 --> 01:05:43.846

Sharon: bio identical hormone therapy. But I'm not there yet. I'm I'm starting this process.


01:05:44.397 --> 01:05:47.877

Edie Feffer: But that's a win. What other? What other thoughts are? Helpful.


01:05:48.167 --> 01:05:49.193

Sharon: With with


01:05:49.947 --> 01:05:53.266

Sharon: with Hsn and the bone


01:05:53.387 --> 01:05:54.707

Sharon: foundation


01:05:55.577 --> 01:05:56.587

Sharon: course.


01:06:00.487 --> 01:06:03.187

Sharon: and well, I think.


01:06:06.937 --> 01:06:09.736

Sharon: trying to keep in that perspective


01:06:10.987 --> 01:06:11.737

Sharon: of


01:06:15.697 --> 01:06:18.677

Sharon: trying to empathize with my son


01:06:19.547 --> 01:06:20.497

Sharon: and


01:06:21.262 --> 01:06:24.617

Sharon: I guess. Give me proud that there are times where


01:06:24.727 --> 01:06:25.957

Sharon: I I mean


01:06:26.227 --> 01:06:29.686

Sharon: I bite my tongue a lot, not saying.


01:06:31.393 --> 01:06:32.666

Edie Feffer: Emotionally regulated.


01:06:33.567 --> 01:06:35.352

Sharon: Yeah, I do.


01:06:37.847 --> 01:06:42.336

Sharon: some. I I do eft tapping sometimes to help with


01:06:42.657 --> 01:06:43.877

Sharon: releasing


01:06:44.127 --> 01:06:45.897

Sharon: the anxiety and


01:06:46.147 --> 01:06:47.107

Sharon: worry.


01:06:48.667 --> 01:06:49.577

Edie Feffer: Wonderful.


01:06:51.137 --> 01:06:52.127

Sharon: And


01:06:52.767 --> 01:06:56.096

Sharon: yeah, try to still do for myself, like, I say.


01:06:56.657 --> 01:06:58.217

Sharon: I'm scattered. I kinda


01:06:59.227 --> 01:07:02.447

Sharon: work put my energies into different


01:07:03.797 --> 01:07:04.787

Sharon: things.


01:07:05.077 --> 01:07:05.667

Sharon: you know.


01:07:05.667 --> 01:07:07.446

Edie Feffer: Notice right there, Sharon.


01:07:08.867 --> 01:07:13.486

Edie Feffer: We have 2 different thoughts that came out right there, right? I'm scattered.


01:07:13.537 --> 01:07:16.376

Edie Feffer: Feels like it would be up in that 1st model


01:07:16.437 --> 01:07:20.306

Edie Feffer: versus the one that led. I'm still showing up for myself.


01:07:22.217 --> 01:07:23.347

Edie Feffer: and


01:07:23.607 --> 01:07:27.447

Edie Feffer: neither is right or wrong. But we're just starting to be onto the brain


01:07:27.727 --> 01:07:32.267

Edie Feffer: right, and the thoughts that you're generating here.


01:07:32.697 --> 01:07:37.076

Edie Feffer: These are all wins. These are all ways that you're proud of yourself for.


01:07:37.837 --> 01:07:38.817

Edie Feffer: and


01:07:39.147 --> 01:07:43.266

Edie Feffer: and for the sake of time. I'll offer some some thoughts that I have around


01:07:43.667 --> 01:08:02.236

Edie Feffer: the care that you're providing your son right like. And when we're doing this work together it's important for the thoughts to actually land for you. So I always say, if I share a thought and your brain rejects it, it's like, I don't even believe that I would want you to tell me, because it needs to sink in enough. You need to believe it enough so that it starts to


01:08:02.667 --> 01:08:12.936

Edie Feffer: penetrate your subconscious and help you shift yourself, concept, and so your thoughts could be like, I'm doing the best I can for my son.


01:08:15.437 --> 01:08:17.827

Edie Feffer: I take great loving care of him.


01:08:22.521 --> 01:08:26.157

Edie Feffer: And we could continue down that path right


01:08:26.387 --> 01:08:33.357

Edie Feffer: when we're in this thought pattern around your 21 year old child, not thriving. And you're thinking


01:08:33.817 --> 01:09:02.756

Edie Feffer: about how you have providers that are supporting you both. You have a healthcare team for him, and now you have a healthcare team for you. You've joined health span nation. You're doing the bone foundation course I empathize with my son. I'm emotionally regulated. I have resources to help me manage my anxiety. I use eft tapping. I'm still showing up for myself. I'm doing the best I can for myself and my son. I take loving care of him. I take loving care of myself


01:09:02.757 --> 01:09:08.716

Edie Feffer: right when you're in that energy. What feeling in the body do you notice.


01:09:18.607 --> 01:09:21.437

Sharon: well reduced anxiety.


01:09:24.747 --> 01:09:26.837

Edie Feffer: Here's a list that could be helpful.


01:09:38.427 --> 01:09:40.496

Sharon: I guess. Compassion.


01:09:45.417 --> 01:09:47.087

Sharon: I feel


01:09:50.207 --> 01:09:51.087

Sharon: more


01:09:53.477 --> 01:09:54.767

Sharon: positive.


01:09:55.047 --> 01:09:56.017

Edie Feffer: Yes.


01:09:57.437 --> 01:09:58.517

Edie Feffer: yes.


01:10:02.967 --> 01:10:09.137

Edie Feffer: this is important to see that just these thoughts have generated a different energetic state.


01:10:09.207 --> 01:10:23.897

Edie Feffer: because a big part of healing your bone health journey as your coach. Part of my job is to help you reduce your stress to get you more in into more of a parasympathetic state. Right arrest and digest. And when you're doing the thought work.


01:10:24.337 --> 01:10:39.436

Edie Feffer: it's really fun to see that you slowing down in this way, Sharon, you're flooding your body with chemicals of compassion and positivity. It's like a dose of vitamin g of vitamin L. And your circumstance hasn't changed.


01:10:40.667 --> 01:10:42.826

Edie Feffer: That is a win to celebrate.


01:10:45.377 --> 01:10:55.306

Edie Feffer: and that will support you in your body's ability to build bone. Right? This is one way we're starting to utilize your mindset, to reduce your stress.


01:10:56.487 --> 01:11:05.517

Edie Feffer: And you're doing a fabulous job with it. And this this part of the work, like the thought model, is one I usually cover over multiple sessions, and


01:11:05.837 --> 01:11:07.127

Edie Feffer: and


01:11:07.177 --> 01:11:34.866

Edie Feffer: for the sake of time. I feel so badly that I didn't budget more time for this. It's 1 will be covering in depth in a group coaching program that I'll be leading on July 11th for any of those who are in our platinum experience and want to dive deeper into this. But for our purposes, Sharon and for our health span nation members. When you're feeling more compassion when you're feeling positive, when you're running around intentionally practicing the thoughts you've identified here.


01:11:35.827 --> 01:11:41.516

Edie Feffer: I've Jo. You're celebrating all the ways you've shown up for yourself. What action do you take?


01:11:42.997 --> 01:11:44.886

Edie Feffer: How is your day different?


01:11:49.867 --> 01:11:51.297

Edie Feffer: It could be in.


01:11:52.717 --> 01:11:53.836

Sharon: Could be? What.


01:11:54.347 --> 01:11:56.497

Edie Feffer: I didn't mean to interrupt you. Go go ahead!


01:11:57.257 --> 01:11:58.456

Sharon: I don't know. I guess


01:11:59.357 --> 01:12:01.267

Sharon: I feel more productive.


01:12:01.527 --> 01:12:02.467

Edie Feffer: Yes.


01:12:12.067 --> 01:12:12.957

Sharon: Well.


01:12:14.097 --> 01:12:16.607

Sharon: I can be more present


01:12:18.847 --> 01:12:19.771

Sharon: and


01:12:27.687 --> 01:12:29.187

Sharon: for I guess


01:12:29.297 --> 01:12:32.177

Sharon: I perhaps make make some


01:12:32.577 --> 01:12:37.277

Sharon: better choices when it comes to interacting with my son.


01:12:44.147 --> 01:12:45.736

Edie Feffer: How do you feel about you?


01:12:45.817 --> 01:12:47.877

Edie Feffer: What actions change? There.


01:12:54.567 --> 01:12:55.587

Sharon: for me.


01:12:57.357 --> 01:12:58.827

Edie Feffer: How did I?


01:12:58.827 --> 01:13:01.957

Sharon: I get I make more progress on my things.


01:13:24.117 --> 01:13:26.663

Edie Feffer: I think those are great great observations.


01:13:27.277 --> 01:13:34.156

Edie Feffer: Just to hear you say that I'm more productive. I can be more present. You're changing the quality of your life.


01:13:34.407 --> 01:13:38.596

Edie Feffer: the way you're showing up for yourself the way you're staying present for your son.


01:13:39.987 --> 01:13:43.976

Edie Feffer: and you're making better choices, right?


01:13:44.487 --> 01:13:48.777

Edie Feffer: That all creates a new, a new result.


01:13:51.077 --> 01:13:52.277

Edie Feffer: And


01:13:53.637 --> 01:13:56.846

Edie Feffer: when we're thinking about it specific to your bone health.


01:13:57.337 --> 01:14:01.157

Edie Feffer: do you have thoughts there? On what kinds of results, when you're


01:14:01.787 --> 01:14:05.777

Edie Feffer: navigating a day feeling proud of yourself when you're


01:14:06.037 --> 01:14:21.486

Edie Feffer: catching these kinds of thoughts. I'm showing up for myself. I'm doing the best I can with my son. Here are all of my wins. You're feeling compassion. You're feeling positive you're being more productive. You're being more calm and grounded. You're present. You're taking


01:14:21.657 --> 01:14:28.136

Edie Feffer: new inspired action from a bone. Health, perspective. What do you think? The results that we could expect would be.


01:14:30.387 --> 01:14:33.177

Sharon: Well, I would I would expect that.


01:14:36.987 --> 01:14:39.177

Sharon: It would help me to


01:14:40.357 --> 01:14:44.497

Sharon: improve my my, you know my bone metabolism.


01:14:47.727 --> 01:14:48.897

Edie Feffer: and healing.


01:14:51.797 --> 01:14:53.657

Edie Feffer: Love that right.


01:14:55.167 --> 01:15:13.657

Edie Feffer: With this particular example, you can start to see why, at Ob, we take a holistic approach to your health. Right? Yes, we're talking on those, or teaching or coaching on those bottom pillars of the pyramid that I outlined earlier in the presentation. But when it comes to stress. Nothing's off topic.


01:15:13.827 --> 01:15:32.297

Edie Feffer: because, as you start to choose new thoughts and feelings, you're putting yourself in a position to take inspired action with more clarity and confidence to help you reach your ultimate goal of building bone, while also feeling more peaceful about your relationship with your son


01:15:32.417 --> 01:15:36.167

Edie Feffer: and the way you're showing up for him the way you're showing up for yourself


01:15:37.027 --> 01:15:38.027

Edie Feffer: and


01:15:39.687 --> 01:15:52.437

Edie Feffer: The other thought that I want to share with with everyone is that there's lots of ways we can play with this model. Right? We're going to get into it in group coaching, you can run this model backwards. So if you have a result that you're wanting to create


01:15:53.961 --> 01:15:59.986

Edie Feffer: I'm wanting to heal my osteoporosis. We could work backwards. What actions would I be taking right?


01:16:00.137 --> 01:16:03.106

Edie Feffer: What feelings would I be choosing.


01:16:04.467 --> 01:16:29.896

Edie Feffer: I'd be choosing to feel pumped proud of myself, excited that I'm getting stronger excited that I'm experimenting with new foods right? What thoughts would I be practicing, I'd be practicing thoughts like I rock. I'm showing up for myself in new ways. I love that I have guidance. I love that I'm on the hunt for wins every day. I'm proud of who I'm becoming right, and the circumstance hasn't changed. It's I have osteoporosis, and I'm healing my bones


01:16:29.947 --> 01:16:46.861

Edie Feffer: right. And so I hate that. This is feeling a little bit rushed because it's 1 that takes time to sink in. I'd love to hear any thoughts or reflections from you, Sharon, or anyone who's observed, this is this model new to you? Is it something that you've utilized before?


01:16:47.407 --> 01:16:48.787

Edie Feffer: and


01:16:48.957 --> 01:16:49.967

Edie Feffer: I'm gonna


01:16:50.537 --> 01:16:52.707

Edie Feffer: stops? I'm going to switch the


01:16:53.017 --> 01:16:56.967

Edie Feffer: switch to this and


01:16:57.157 --> 01:17:00.847

Edie Feffer: share the this part, and then I'll


01:17:00.987 --> 01:17:07.567

Edie Feffer: look to you, Brett, to see if there's any thoughts that have come through. But when you do this work, Sharon, like.


01:17:08.087 --> 01:17:23.647

Edie Feffer: at the end of a coaching session, I upload this document to your documents filed right? We'll we'll get this document to you because you did beautiful work, and I want you to be able to utilize this as you continue forward in managing your mindset. So the next step would be


01:17:23.647 --> 01:17:39.386

Edie Feffer: in the model that we wanna be living in you as your highest and best self, you becoming the woman who heals her bones. Right you go look through these thoughts that you've generated and picked the juiciest ones, the ones that resonate with you the most. Maybe it's all of them.


01:17:39.467 --> 01:17:50.596

Edie Feffer: and you can either print these and put them up on a wall. You can write them down and put them on a post it that you'll see every day. I like to record my juiciest thoughts in a voice note.


01:17:50.677 --> 01:18:01.656

Edie Feffer: and I listen to myself saying them as I'm cruising around my condo, cleaning up as I'm on a walk, as I'm getting ready in the morning. This is another way that you're creating new neural pathways in your mind.


01:18:01.877 --> 01:18:15.537

Edie Feffer: and starting to see yourself as this kind of woman. Right? You can run a model for any circumstance, whether it's stress related, a business goal, a health goal, whatever it is. And the other thing that we're doing as we


01:18:15.907 --> 01:18:21.167

Edie Feffer: as we move throughout our day, is really noticing. Do I like the model that I'm in.


01:18:22.707 --> 01:18:26.877

Edie Feffer: and if not, we can sit down and do this. Ctf, AR exercise.


01:18:28.137 --> 01:18:34.736

Edie Feffer: to start to just notice are there? And sometimes when we run this, it's like, Wow! A lot of these thoughts are mean.


01:18:34.897 --> 01:18:55.617

Edie Feffer: I need to upgrade myself. Talk, or some of them are limited beliefs that I just need to dismantle. None of the thoughts are a problem. They only become a problem. If they stay stuck. We need to give them air time in a coaching session and a journal session. Whatever it is. And so again, this is why we start with mindset, and I'll I'll pause there to get any feedback.


01:18:56.065 --> 01:18:59.146

Edie Feffer: From you, Sharon, on how this felt, or anyone else.


01:19:00.107 --> 01:19:03.497

Sharon: Well, I've never done this before. This model.


01:19:05.517 --> 01:19:06.667

Sharon: It was.


01:19:07.027 --> 01:19:09.847

Sharon: It was a it was harder than I thought it was. Gonna be.


01:19:11.487 --> 01:19:12.313

Sharon: I think.


01:19:13.227 --> 01:19:17.067

Sharon: I start to feel a little bit lost, and


01:19:17.467 --> 01:19:20.346

Sharon: maybe cause being on the spotlight, too. But


01:19:20.707 --> 01:19:21.507

Edie Feffer: Yeah.


01:19:21.867 --> 01:19:23.367

Sharon: You know, with


01:19:24.267 --> 01:19:28.697

Sharon: going through. So it was like, Oh, what did I say? If I swear


01:19:28.827 --> 01:19:29.717

Sharon: so?


01:19:31.797 --> 01:19:32.627

Sharon: yeah.


01:19:34.577 --> 01:19:38.087

Edie Feffer: I'm incredibly proud of you, Sharon, because you do.


01:19:38.577 --> 01:19:40.957

Edie Feffer: You're brave and vulnerable.


01:19:41.127 --> 01:19:43.917

Edie Feffer: that equals growth and transformation.


01:19:44.077 --> 01:19:45.317

Edie Feffer: And


01:19:48.617 --> 01:19:50.752

Edie Feffer: It can be difficult


01:19:52.007 --> 01:19:54.246

Edie Feffer: with when we're in the second model.


01:19:54.717 --> 01:20:06.897

Edie Feffer: If we're used to just running down an old track of concern worry, stress. Sometimes it takes the brain to even be open to the idea that there could be better feeling thoughts


01:20:07.797 --> 01:20:15.776

Edie Feffer: right. And the more we start to experiment with thought work, the more we start to get curious about the thoughts that the brain is serving us.


01:20:16.777 --> 01:20:31.907

Edie Feffer: The more you play with a thought model or the other tools that will cover in the future, the easier it is for you to start to operate in this place of positive, expectant energy and to more quickly move from one model to the other. It's never this


01:20:32.007 --> 01:20:33.087

Edie Feffer: process of


01:20:34.977 --> 01:20:45.976

Edie Feffer: of just flipping from a negative to a positive. I'm always sensitive to the way I teach this, because I never want it to feel like toxic positivity. Right? It's just how can we move to a better feeling, thought


01:20:47.423 --> 01:20:51.077

Edie Feffer: while respecting the initial thoughts that you shared.


01:20:57.057 --> 01:21:15.256

Edie Feffer: and Brett, I'm wondering if it would be best, knowing that I have 2 other tools left to cover. I'm wondering if what your thoughts are. Should I continue with the time that we're at, or potentially consider a part 2 and feel good that we've shared 3 so far and close. What are your thoughts?


01:21:15.897 --> 01:21:16.677

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: David.


01:21:16.677 --> 01:21:18.251

Sharon: Mean to hold things up.


01:21:18.777 --> 01:21:24.889

Edie Feffer: No, Sharon, you didn't at all. It's the the model takes time, and that's my


01:21:26.187 --> 01:21:27.466

Edie Feffer: That was my


01:21:27.497 --> 01:21:35.376

Edie Feffer: misbudgeting with time. But I think it's a tool that can be so very effective, and so thank you for showing up so fully.


01:21:36.227 --> 01:21:36.727

Sharon: Thank you.


01:21:37.407 --> 01:21:38.057

Edie Feffer: Yeah.


01:21:39.027 --> 01:21:57.107

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: Yeah, I think we could definitely do a part, too, and maybe do some more interactive deep dives with the other tools that we have as well, and then we'll get the things that we discussed today shared in slack and and wrap up. And if you have some helpful thoughts for people. But yeah, we'll definitely just plan for a part, too.


01:21:57.787 --> 01:21:58.867

Edie Feffer: Okay, cool.


01:21:59.487 --> 01:22:01.687

Edie Feffer: Let me skip ahead.


01:22:09.217 --> 01:22:11.257

Edie Feffer: Yes, I'll say,


01:22:12.057 --> 01:22:15.093

Edie Feffer: yeah, just to close before we go.


01:22:16.487 --> 01:22:19.406

Edie Feffer: I is everything good on your end. Brea.


01:22:19.917 --> 01:22:20.507

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: Yeah.


01:22:20.877 --> 01:22:31.856

Edie Feffer: Okay, cool. I just got a weird notification. But yeah, if if you've enjoyed this, if you're in our platinum experience, know that our next group coaching program is going to be on this topic topic specifically, mindset.


01:22:31.917 --> 01:22:57.616

Edie Feffer: There's so many tools that we can utilize to help you be onto your brain to help you cultivate thoughts that feel peaceful, that help you stay calm and grounded, that help you feel in control with osteoporosis. Right? And so that'll be a 4 week program that'll start on July It's going to have more custom coaching. We'll have plenty of time for interactive experiences. We'll have group breakouts. I'm pumped, and I'd love to see you there and then.


01:22:57.737 --> 01:23:03.486

Edie Feffer: I shared 3 tools with you today. We'll do like a little summary and


01:23:03.896 --> 01:23:22.206

Edie Feffer: I would recommend picking one to 2 to play with And if you're in our platinum experience, I know Julia and I would love to hear what's working what's not working, and so that we can help you start to develop, like I mentioned at the top of the call a deep bench of tools that you're pumped to play with in terms of managing your mindset.


01:23:24.777 --> 01:23:54.536

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: Amazing. And I do think we could take a couple of minutes, too, because I know we've had some really, really great discussion in the chat. That if anybody Edie can stop sharing her screen, and then we'll gallery view, and then, if anybody wants to jump on and ask any questions about the content that we did cover, since it is nice and in depth, I think that would be. This is a great opportunity. If anybody does, wanna you know unmute? Go ahead and ask questions. It's a free for all right now.


01:24:00.397 --> 01:24:04.487

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: Oh, Diane, I can can't hear you. You're unmuted, but I can't hear you.


01:24:06.237 --> 01:24:08.144

Diane K Miller: Okay, sorry. I have my microphone off.


01:24:08.797 --> 01:24:09.327

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: Again.


01:24:10.678 --> 01:24:14.046

Diane K Miller: I'm not sure I actually have a question.


01:24:14.487 --> 01:24:16.747

Diane K Miller: I do work with Edie, one on one.


01:24:17.007 --> 01:24:22.352

Diane K Miller: but I do wanna say that it was really helpful to go through that model and


01:24:22.917 --> 01:24:36.766

Diane K Miller: I've always thought that attitude, and I've made a few comments on this. That attitude affects outcome, and that you can your attitude. And you could just look at other people and see how their attitudes are affecting their lives, and


01:24:37.197 --> 01:24:38.887

Diane K Miller: the ones that have the better


01:24:39.348 --> 01:24:54.086

Diane K Miller: thought process, and mindset are doing better. And so it was helpful to see see you go through this model with Sharon and and also the thought about working it backwards.


01:24:54.417 --> 01:25:03.106

Diane K Miller: I think, is a great idea. So and just refocusing on the fact that we we can control our thoughts and


01:25:03.437 --> 01:25:13.097

Diane K Miller: our mindset. And it does make a difference, makes a big difference, and especially reducing stress and stress is so detrimental to bone health.


01:25:13.817 --> 01:25:17.526

Diane K Miller: So I I think this has been really helpful.


01:25:18.777 --> 01:25:22.036

Edie Feffer: Thank you for sharing, Diana. It's so helpful to have your feedback.


01:25:22.107 --> 01:25:24.106

Edie Feffer: and I'm glad you have a new tool to play with.


01:25:24.297 --> 01:25:26.507

Diane K Miller: Yeah, thank you for doing this.


01:25:26.827 --> 01:25:27.627

Edie Feffer: Yes.


01:25:28.857 --> 01:25:35.167

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: Amazing. Yeah, that's that's great feedback. Does anybody else want to jump on? If not, I do have. Oh, yeah, sharing. Go ahead.


01:25:35.367 --> 01:25:36.052

Sharon: So


01:25:36.957 --> 01:25:40.007

Sharon: if you're not in the full program.


01:25:41.147 --> 01:25:41.967

Sharon: what?


01:25:43.847 --> 01:25:53.216

Sharon: I mean, we we can work with this model that you shared. But I guess. What? What would you? What would be tips


01:25:54.167 --> 01:25:56.827

Sharon: like if you wanted to find a coach?


01:25:59.167 --> 01:26:02.694

Sharon: you know, closer to you what to look for, maybe


01:26:04.207 --> 01:26:09.057

Sharon: because it's I'm not sure how coaching works. If


01:26:09.557 --> 01:26:11.007

Sharon: most coaches


01:26:11.257 --> 01:26:13.337

Sharon: have these kinds of tools.


01:26:13.647 --> 01:26:14.837

Sharon: Or


01:26:15.157 --> 01:26:16.697

Sharon: is it more like


01:26:17.017 --> 01:26:21.796

Sharon: this optimal bone? Health approach is not conventional.


01:26:22.267 --> 01:26:23.127

Sharon: I've


01:26:23.297 --> 01:26:26.146

Sharon: things you're doing are, you know, just different.


01:26:29.177 --> 01:26:30.416

Sharon: Then, you know


01:26:31.227 --> 01:26:32.396

Sharon: that's am I making.


01:26:33.547 --> 01:26:38.897

Edie Feffer: Yeah. How to find a coach who can support you in your health goals, managing your mindset.


01:26:38.897 --> 01:26:46.816

Sharon: Or or even resources for if you know, we'd want to continue in this on our own, even.


01:26:47.197 --> 01:26:47.577

Edie Feffer: Who?


01:26:47.947 --> 01:26:48.797

Sharon: Possible.


01:26:49.927 --> 01:26:50.587

Edie Feffer: Yeah.


01:26:53.047 --> 01:26:55.976

Edie Feffer: Brenda, do you wanna start with that? Or do you want me to take that one.


01:26:55.977 --> 01:27:01.831

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: Go ahead and share. So definitely looking at I.


01:27:02.977 --> 01:27:27.936

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: Our or Edie's coaching approach, I mean is nice and lovely, and curated by Edie herself. So I would encourage all of you to Google her if you want to. If you're looking for additional coaching. And then I would also say, too, that in Part 2, I think we'll share some additional tools. So maybe you got a few things today that you were like, yes, I'm gonna do that. But I want to take it even further. I think some of the additional tools that we'll do in part


01:27:27.937 --> 01:27:52.807

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: to are also gonna help support you in that journey, and we'll keep bringing up stuff like this as well. Like, I think one of the really amazing things that Edie shared earlier, which, when I was working with patients, I think was always a really great place to start, is taking that goal and that ideal outcome and making it as small as possible to start with, because that's gonna make it more manageable for you. And then also, as you do get all of these tools, I know that overwhelming


01:27:53.078 --> 01:28:15.886

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: is a huge issue for everyone. I mean this, we we have so many things to share. And it's really it's hard, because, you know, if you're not working with someone, one on one, it's hard to know what's gonna resonate with people. So we want you to see all your options. So it's really about looking at those things and picking that thing that does resonate with you because momentum is gonna be one of the biggest impacts of your change, too.


01:28:15.887 --> 01:28:26.747

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: And not just like I have all these things I have to do. And instead, focusing on what seems important to me that I'm gonna stick. With that I'm motivated to try. But yeah, Edie, do you have any other thoughts on that.


01:28:29.207 --> 01:28:38.283

Edie Feffer: ju just that. I think, finding an aligned fit for private one on one. Coaching, takes patience right and


01:28:38.857 --> 01:28:58.267

Edie Feffer: I love private one on one coaching, and when I'm looking for a coach I it's as much of an interview process for me as I know it is for the coach right? And so just encouraging you to be patient as you look for the right fit.


01:28:58.557 --> 01:29:00.186

Edie Feffer: like you would with it. With.


01:29:00.317 --> 01:29:01.087

Edie Feffer: yeah.


01:29:01.427 --> 01:29:03.897

Edie Feffer: any other program that you're exploring.


01:29:04.287 --> 01:29:09.916

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: And you guys can all fall. I, Edie, you're more than welcome to share your website and your social media handle, too. If you guys.


01:29:09.917 --> 01:29:39.177

Edie Feffer: Okay, thanks. Yeah. I. When I'm here, I always have my oh, chat on. I'm coaching with Dr. Doug. But I do have a private practice. Where I coach on food, freedom, weight, loss, life, design, stress management. And I'm an eft practitioner. And so if that's something you're wanting to explore whether it's through a single session or myself. Study program or coursework know that you can get more information. My website is Edfeffercom.


01:29:39.457 --> 01:29:49.427

Edie Feffer: I'm also on social media. And I love connecting with Oh, patients there. And yeah, feel free to let us know if you have any questions.


01:29:52.707 --> 01:30:16.527

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: Amazing awesome. Well, with that I think we'll go ahead and wrap up for right now. We're gonna take all the other questions and comments, and you can go ahead and put those in the live follow up session in slack, and I believe I'm not looking at slack right now. But I do think we also have a like stress management mindset channel, too. So any other things. We can put in there and utilize that tool as a


01:30:16.747 --> 01:30:40.097

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: just as a resource to continue connecting. I think some people have pointed out, like really well in the chat, that this is a really supportive community. And I think that can be one of the thoughts, too, that, as you, you know, run those those models, and when you feel alone and overwhelm that you do have this amazing community here, who's happy to support you and can really relate, and all the things that you're going through, resonate with them. So really utilize that as well.


01:30:40.097 --> 01:30:51.806

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: And just thanks again, Edie, for sharing all of your wisdom and tools with us, and then I'll post what we went over today in the slack channel, and then we'll find a date for Part 2, and we can go through some additional tools.


01:30:52.347 --> 01:30:54.637

Edie Feffer: Great. Yeah, thank you for all your help, Brett.


01:30:54.947 --> 01:30:57.057

Breta, MS, RDN, OHH TEAM: Yeah, of course, have a great day. Everyone.


01:30:57.287 --> 01:30:57.757

Edie Feffer: Okay. You too.