Program Timing & What to Expect

We all are very excited that you are here and to get you started on your journey to optimization! To understand the timing of your program please read below. Please understand that these are average time frames and can be different patient to patient depending on schedule availability and lab completion.

Week One - Three

  1. Onboarding, sign contract, fill out intake forms
  2. Enroll and become familiar with OBH Bone Foundations, HSN & Cronometer
  3. Schedule and your Initial Intake Session and meet with your registered dietitian. This session will be intake only, your RD will schedule you during this call for a session in two weeks to begin to work on lifestyle modifications, nutrition, and begin to give personalized recommendations during this visit.

Week Three - Eight

  1. Have your labs drawn
  2. Continue to meet with your registered dietitian and health coach during this time while your labs are processing
  3. These weeks are vital to your success. You will begin to work on foundational lifestyle modifications with your team. You and your coach will build a relationship so that we can support you in your goals. DO NOT SKIP THESE SESSIONS. Patients who work with their coach from the start see results.
  4. Any functional test that you and your coach determine that may be needed now will be ordered and sent to your home to complete. Please complete these in a timely manner.
  5. Our team begins to review in great length your final results of your labs to create your program plan. Our patient experience team will reach out to you directly when we are ready to schedule your program review.

Week Eight - Ten

  1. Program review with your Physician
  2. Meet with your coach at least 3 days after your review to go over any follow up questions
  3. Supplements and recommendations are ordered/prescribed if approved.

You will continue to work with your team directly in the next weeks

Patients who regularly meet with their team have the best results. Do not skip these sessions. Our team is here to support you along the way, answer your questions and provide an unparalleled type of one on one care you can not find in the traditional medical system. It is our mission.

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