Alternative Therapies for Bone Health

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Source of meat is important but it may not be a factor responsible for increased IGF-1

For most individuals, it's not possible to have too much protein intake

Whey is an excellent complete protein source, but not everyone tolerates it

Animal protein preferred over plant protein

What is the recommended intake for protein?

What is protein and why is it so important for osteoporosis?

Dysfunctioning thyroid as an underlying cause of osteoporosis

The thryoid is the master metabolic set point of the body

MTHFR gene can affect the absorption of HRT

Determining core supplements greatly depends on starting point

The role of supplements in treating conditions like osteoporosis

AlgaeCal doing more than any other company to ensure quality and safety of their product

Vibration therapy stimulates bone growth through impact

Discusses collagen studies and the credibility of multiple publications

Nasal spray likely better for oxytocin's bioavailability in the brain

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